Thursday, December 22, 2011

ending of a year

It's been a busy last month and a half with the arrival of my family from Florida and just the daily life routine I haven't had much time for posting. Thanksgiving was bitter sweet and quiet due to the situation but Xmas will be different with family being around and all its amazing how many things can happen in one years time I was still married and we had been celebrating Xmas in Florida for the past few yrs now it will be here in nyc and now I'm alone in the process of divorce and these past few months haven't been easy emotionally financially or otherwise but with the support of friends and family therapist I've been able to find the inner strength within myself to push forward and keep living my life. Now that this year is coming to a close I'm looking forward to a new year new beginning and trying to take it one day at a time I'm impressed with how much weight I've lost but my first onofficial new years resolution is to drop another 20 lbs it will be hard but worth it. Another is to have better money mgmt skills. Lately I've been feeling a feeling I haven't felt in a long time happiness. I've been talking to someone from site I'm a member of and after many disappointing encounters I got a wink from this individual and after being let down so many times b/c bs comes in all shades of brown and from many places I almost didnt reply but took a chance and I'm glad I did I forgot what the feeling of the dating scene talking and flirtation is lol we've had interesting and steamy conversations but I'm looking fwd to the meeting and it seems like something always gets in the way but I will be patient as the right time will come. I'm praying that this will be a good thing as I'm tired of the drama feeling hurt and worrying about the past and things that are over and done. Happy is a good feeling and I want to experience more of this feeling in the coming year '12. Things with the divorce are moving forward and I'm anxious to sign and move forward but the slow wheels of the court system and lawyers who drag their feet make moving on that much slower than it should be but I know I will probably feel sad and cry when that day comes but I will also feel relieved I realize that I can't continue to beat myself up over this we I tried my best and he did too sometimes even our best isn't good enough sometimes . Received Jr progress report and he's doing well in school has issues with sharing which is normal for toddlers but overall is good. I'm finally taking some time for me to go to Dr and get checked out since its been a while want to make sure all is right with me. Tomorrow is the last day before Xmas eve and I will take it do last minute shopping as it will be a ghost town in the office well off to another session and window shopping in queens hoping to find some newthings with ny &co gift card
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