Friday, January 13, 2012

first entry of 2012

It's been a little bit since I've posted on here it seems like I'm either always tired, busy, or on the run to the gym, appts., etc. Xmas was nice since the family arrived back to NY in the beginning of December and it's been an adjustment for them getting used to NYC life again and an adjustment for me living door to door literally. While it's a big blessing it can also be a curse at the same time lol. Jr is getting bigger badder and saying more words and trying my patience every single day. He's doing well in school which is a good thing and I'm hoping that he will continue to improve. My commute to and from work has also improved as he no longer goes to the sitter anymore which is a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders I'm always on time to work now and I'm not aggravated in the am trying to get him out of bed, dressed and out the front door to run and catch buses to eventually get to the subway. Now I'm able to wake up a little later and just walk a few blocks to the train and cross my fingers that the train ride will be uneventful. So far my new years resolutions is to be better at managing my finances as it's pitful how my savings looks and with all of the black friday damage, xmas shopping let's just say I have to start doing some serious rebuilding of it. I also have to get back on track diet wise due to the holiday season with eating all of that good food and just me being bad I have to cut out all of the sweets and crap that tempts me to not eat healthy I now weigh between 170-175 I've lost over 40 lbs so far and I feel wonderful about that but I'd like to lose another 15-20 lbs so that's going to have take some serious will power from me and staying away from sweets. This past weekend and week was a tiring one a lot of errands and things to do some work weeks drag on some fly by well this one dragged on forever I'm relieved for Friday to finally have arrived and I look forward to the looking weekend as we have off due to MLK day. New Years Eve was bitter sweet I tend to get sad around that time of year b/c I think about all the things that have happened through out the year and what could've been but this year I wasn't so bad I was happy this new year's eve as I was looking forward to a new year new beginning. 2011 wasn't an easy year for me and I'm hoping 2012 will bring me luck, health and happiness and the strength to pursue everything I didn't achieve in 2011. A guy I've been talking to from match has really got my attention and I invited him over NYE we had drinks conversation and there was a strong attraction between let's just say we brought in the new year with a bang literally lmao. I had never done that on the first mtg but let's face I was long over due to get laid and the fact that I had way too much booze just added to it but it was an awesome night and morning. I had forgotten what that feels like have someone be attracted to me and desire me. He's a freak and I'm getting to see a side of things that I would've never pursued with any of my previous relationships, etc. they say you learn something from every experience and if nothing else comes out of this I will have learned to be more open have fun and not be so inhibited about things. I sort of messed things up after but apologized but it's been a while since I've been on the scene so things have changed a lot. Everything seems cool but we'll see where things go. I've learned not to expect too much as when we put high expectations we are usually disappointed. So far we haven't had any major snow storms so far and I'm glad b/c I have no boots and I'm hoping that we don't get anything but cold weather. I also installed a lock on my door to keep my ex out and to have some type of privacy since I think it's no longer fair that he feels he can have the run of my place. I spoke to the attorney this week and he informed that I may be divorced even faster than 6 months which I was so happy when I found this out b/c this is something that is dragged out much longer than it needs to be he mentioned due to the county where papers were filed they're fast so it will be 3-4 months and that this when I can turn the page and start the rest of my life at times it feels weird that I'm alone after you're with a person for so many years you have to start finding yourself again and I realize that while it's hard it's for the best and one day when the time is right maybe I will find someone to share my life with again but for now I will try to live have fun and see what direction life takes me.

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