Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 4 of the School Bus strike

Today is the 4th day of the school bus strike and I can't believe it's been 4 days and the law hasn't stepped in to stop this strike. Millions of kids are stranded and suffering parents are scrambling b/c of having to take vacation days miss work and the employers don't seem to give a darn. While I understand things like job security, fair wages, benefits are things that people always fight for I think that this is something that they should've sat at the bargain table longer to find a reasonable solution b/c being reimbursed for metro cards and gas isn't going to reimburse your lost time from work. Personal days and vacation time are a precious thing and if you're in the private sector you don't have an abundance of this. My heart goes out to the parents suffering the effects of this strike especially the ones with special needs who depend on transporation and special help they receive to help them learn and many times these services can't be made up causing kids to fall behind and if you have a kid on the autism spectrum like I and millions of others to these type of children are used to a daily routine and when that routine is disrupted they tend to act out my son's behavior was pretty bad yesterday I lost my patience a few times but then I realize that yesterday was a holiday and no school to boot so he's out of his normal routine. I am thankful that my son's bus company is not a part of the school bus strike b/c honestly my son would have to stay home with his grandmother. Both me and his father work for the city and have to be at work by 8 am. If I took him to school I wouldn't get to work until after 11 am. Everyone thinks about themselves but no one thinks about the emotional economic and educational effects this strike has already had and will continue to have until a reasonable solution is found. I wonder if the Local 1181 President and his staff and employees will write out a check to every parent in this city for their lost wages, vacation and personal time to those who are lucky to have it, and their employees. These days people should be lucky to have a job period. Employers need to have more compassion for their employees as this is something that is out of their control the mayor board of ed and the union need to get back to that table and make something work out. People should be able to sue Local 1181 for damages due to the effects of their decision to strike.

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