Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chanting fast-food workers protest in Manhattan - New York News

Chanting fast-food workers protest in Manhattan - New York News

I'm all for providing equal rights, equal opportunity, safe working conditions and reasonable wage but these protestors must be clear out of their minds if they think they're getting $15 an hour for working in a fast food joint.  Do you know what impact that would have on the food industry and our wallets? A Big Mac Value menu costs almost $7 here in Manhattan can you imagine paying 10-12 dollars for this b/c they want to be paid $15 an hour. I think their demands are ridiculous and I doubt they will get anywhere with this.  There are people making $15 an hour right now that are struggling to get by living in this city who work in offices, hospitals, every other industry how is someone working in a fast food industry automatically entitled to this amount of pay I understand yes it's a lot of work and hard work at that to keep things running but at the end of the day it is your choice to be employed there too.   I think for the most part most jobs salaries have to do with the difficulty of the job and the skills required to perform the job and pretty much anyone can fill out an application and be trained to work a register, work the line preparing the food, or do housekeeping work and I understand it's hard to get by these days but at the end of the day these people don't realize that they are not the only ones out there struggling and if they insist on being paid $15 an hour they will be out of a job because no one will go to these fast food joints to buy any food there b/c I will be twice the amount of money the meals are now and for that you must as well go to applebees fridays or any other high end restaurant to sit down get a better prepared mail if you're going to pay more $10+ for it.  The only way they're going to see any increase in their salary is if the minimum wage goes up again right now it's 7.25 an hour do I think it's ridiculous yes absolutely I think these rates should reflect the cost of living not only for the time period but for the AREA YOU LIVE IN. NYC, PA, CHICAGO, CA, and any place with metropolitan cities where the cost of living is higher should have higher minimum wage laws in my opinion but this only exists in a perfect world.  I will give them an A for effort and speaking their mind but unless the federal gov't acts I doubt this would happen or the food chain corporations as well.

NYC Democrats square off in final mayoral debate - New York News

NYC Democrats square off in final mayoral debate - New York News

As a voter living here in NYC I'm not happy with the selection of candidates we have running for mayor sadly.  What I know is Bloomberg NEEDS to go already I'm sick of him his bureaucratic nonsense the way he strong armed himself an extra term in office by changing the law to suit his agenda and as a Hispanic sick of the way this man massacres the Spanish language please shut up and get an interpreter or let someone from channel 41 translate or even better if you really want to learn Spanish get Rosetta stone or hire a teacher but please shut up until you can at least sound normal.  The mayoral candidates are also full of scandal first one being disgraced former governor Spitzer how can this man even show his face again in the political scene after what he did during his term as governor?  He lied, did illegal things, and shows he cannot be trusted and definitely not running as comptroller when that position has to do with managing city monies and sadly humiliated his wife and family she was longer over due in giving him the boot.  Weiner would've been a good mayor if he wasn't such a pervert and had some self-control and respect for his wife and their marriage and that alone is disgusting to me how can you lead the City of New York if you can't even keep it in your pants and don't have your own personal life in order this guy needs to disappear and forget about running for office. Bill Thompson is not convincing to me seems too laid back for the job. Christine Quinn is a female version of Bloomberg as she's his right hand now. Liu while has some good things also has been in the media with scandal.  DeBlasio don't know much about him but as a voter I don't see anything good coming out of the mayoral election except one thing being rid of Bloomberg.  I think a lot of these politicians are full of baloney they make a lot of promises but once they're in office nothing is done.  NYC needs affordable housing and not having to go through so much red tape and bureaucracy to get it,  after care programs for working parents, affordable mass transportation the raise the MTA has imposed has done nothing to improve service or ridership so we pay more to get less in my opinion.  City Workers need a revised contract as we haven't had one since 2009 and everything seems to be going up but our paychecks to reflect the cost of living that is increasing nonstop.  Our mayor is a known union buster and our unions need to stop giving back and put their foot down we run the city and if it weren't for us they'd be in trouble.  Bloomberg has tried to run this city as he runs his corporation and that simply doesn't work when you're running a city.  Our children deserve a good quality education not overcrowded schools, underpaid and underqualified teachers, a school system that bases children's educational progress based on some stupid standardized test scores this and social promotion is what setting up our children for failure.  If a child is not at grade level they shouldn't be promoted period why should a child be promoted for meeting minimum standards what type of message are we sending our kids?  Not parents having to supply all of the supplies so that the schools and Board of Ed shell out less money yes that's the reason for these ridiculously long supply lists.  It's sickening and there's no accountability.  Not everyone is a test taker some people are and can pass some just fail out of nerves and stress. Knowing the material taught in the classroom reading and math levels should be the criteria for promoting children not a standardized test if that were the case I would've been left back years ago as I stink in math I think what saved me was passing the reading test.  So if we can find a mayor to properly address all of these concerns I'm on board but frankly to me I'm just not convinced and that goes for both sides democrat and forget about republican candidates as I don't even bother to listen to their rhetoric.   If we had someone who had real solutions to this city's problems I wouldn't even care what politicial side they're on but I'm just not convinced at this point and when you have all of this scandal and corruption surrounding NYC politics overall it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  I'm not even sure I will go to the polls and vote this time around but we will see. 

Police: Baby dies after dad forgets him in car - New York News

Police: Baby dies after dad forgets him in car - New York News

I read this in sadness and anger b/c I have to wonder how many more children have to die b/c of the stupidity of parents like this?  I guess I can't have an impartial or flexible opinion on this issue as I am a parent myself but last time I checked your kids are your # 1 priority their safety their health and well being and quite frankly there is nothing that important that you can leave any child unattended in a car and than you leave this child in a car that has no air conditioning for what to save on gas? Take the child with you or wait till you can leave the child with a sitter or mother.  I think people these days have their priorities in the wrong place these days and some quite frankly have no business having children in the first place they don't have the emotional maturity, financial resources, patience, etc.  I have to wonder what the heck did this guy have on his mind that he "forgot" the child.  There's only one time I can remember this happening was when I was at Walmart in Long Island shopping and we heard an announcement over the PA system saying that there was a child left behind in the store and I got scared and wondered perhaps they had done it on purpose and thought of safe haven laws for unwanted children but it turns out that the parents went home and forgot the child and it was a very small infant they locked down the store as we were leaving we saw the police coming in to the store.  I don't think they made any arrests but I'm sure they let the parents have it once they made it back to the store I'm also sure that they'd be monitored by the child services too.   The message is loud and clear Parents your kids are your #1 priority and everything else is secondary when it comes to your child.  It's a shame that this story will be one of thousands already heard and hoping it will be the last even thought that's kind of unrealistic.