Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chanting fast-food workers protest in Manhattan - New York News

Chanting fast-food workers protest in Manhattan - New York News

I'm all for providing equal rights, equal opportunity, safe working conditions and reasonable wage but these protestors must be clear out of their minds if they think they're getting $15 an hour for working in a fast food joint.  Do you know what impact that would have on the food industry and our wallets? A Big Mac Value menu costs almost $7 here in Manhattan can you imagine paying 10-12 dollars for this b/c they want to be paid $15 an hour. I think their demands are ridiculous and I doubt they will get anywhere with this.  There are people making $15 an hour right now that are struggling to get by living in this city who work in offices, hospitals, every other industry how is someone working in a fast food industry automatically entitled to this amount of pay I understand yes it's a lot of work and hard work at that to keep things running but at the end of the day it is your choice to be employed there too.   I think for the most part most jobs salaries have to do with the difficulty of the job and the skills required to perform the job and pretty much anyone can fill out an application and be trained to work a register, work the line preparing the food, or do housekeeping work and I understand it's hard to get by these days but at the end of the day these people don't realize that they are not the only ones out there struggling and if they insist on being paid $15 an hour they will be out of a job because no one will go to these fast food joints to buy any food there b/c I will be twice the amount of money the meals are now and for that you must as well go to applebees fridays or any other high end restaurant to sit down get a better prepared mail if you're going to pay more $10+ for it.  The only way they're going to see any increase in their salary is if the minimum wage goes up again right now it's 7.25 an hour do I think it's ridiculous yes absolutely I think these rates should reflect the cost of living not only for the time period but for the AREA YOU LIVE IN. NYC, PA, CHICAGO, CA, and any place with metropolitan cities where the cost of living is higher should have higher minimum wage laws in my opinion but this only exists in a perfect world.  I will give them an A for effort and speaking their mind but unless the federal gov't acts I doubt this would happen or the food chain corporations as well.

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