Friday, November 15, 2013

Thanksgiving and the year ahead

November is here and I can't believe how fast this year flew by.  November is a special month as it's the month my son was born.  He turned 5 this year and it makes me realize how fast time flies and how far he has come it seems like yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital and yesterday I went to his first parent teacher mtg and I'm proud yet relieved to say that he's doing very well in school academically as well as socially and his strength is in math which I'm very glad b/c numbers and me don't mix and I also attribute that to most children on the spectrum excel in math but regardless of how lr why I'm glad he's excelling became as a parent you always want to see your child succeed and surpass your accomplishments.   I asked questions about the new Common Core curriculum and realized it's not as bad as everyone especially the media puts it out to be but I will leave that for another blog.

Thanksgiving is approaching and this is the time we are supposed to be thankful for what we have I'm thankful for having a job as mundane and annoying things can get. It's better than being unemployed I have my health  and a place to live and this year I'm most thankful for the fact that I've found love again something that I thought I'd never have again it's great to have someone who compliments you someone to laugh with have fun with and cry with as I've shed many a tear this year it's been a long year and it's had it's rough spots but I'm looking forward to a new beginning.  My cooking has improved a lot and I thank YouTube channels and Facebook page pr recipes for this my next challenge will be to make a thanksgiving dinner this year an actual turkey not just the side dishes and desserts we shall see how my attempts at this turn out I've decided to try a turkey breast or a small turkey got the butterball hotline number ready to have with traditional rice and gandules and good desserts.   I'm hoping for a nice dinner and no one needing their stomachs pumped we shall see the results. 

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