Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Time to move on

I've been contemplating this move for a long time but economic necessity and my son and a shitty economy has held me back from making it happen. I've been at same place for 7 years and through those years I've seen a lot of people come and go good people that you're sad to see go and some not I see that a lot of people use this place as means to gain knowledge experience and move on and that's what I thought I'd do too but I winded up staying a lot longer than I expected I got married had my son got divorced and lately I've seen a change in the staff here and it's starting to leave a bad.taste in my mouth. There are certain people who.shouldn't be in supervisory or management positions they lack the professionalism it takes to do the job efficiently when you have a.person who treats you a certain way makes notice of.things only you do something as petty as ring tone while four other worker's phones go off you've got to wonder it's personal and or if it's something deeper within themselves I think it's personal  I've had to.bring this to.the manager's attention in the past and it wasn't easy because I don't like drama anyplace especially work related but I had already had.enough and while I saw some change a leopard doesn't change their spots and I see the same behaviors come out here and there. You come to a point where you get tired of the office politics and bs and I have I've been there before at my first job I dreaded coming to work and they say when that happens it's time to go and when I did I felt like a whole weight was lifted off of me but I also didn't have a son to support so it made the.decision that.much easier.  Not too toot my own horn I consider myself to be an intelligent person with a lot to offer but I don't see myself advancing here I see myself stagnant and this just.being a.dead.end due to politics and no available City opportunities to take advantage of.  A city job to most people especially here in NY is a hot commodity and a privilege and great benefits etc yes there are perks but there's also a lot of nonsense too like having money for computers and hyper educated people with huge salaries but there's no cost of living raise for the support staff who really make this city run to ease the pinch of the forever rising cost of living in this city and gentrification a word and action I despise because it's pricing people out and pretty soon we will have the very wealthy and poor. The middle-class can't afford to live here no more 1500-2000 for rent which can easily be someone's monthly income who has money for extra or to save. I used to think it was the best thing but as the years pass I realize not everything is what it seems It may take me a while but if I achieve anything this year I want it to be a new job it's always scary to embark on a new journey but if we don't spread our wings we'll never know what's there to explore. I've conquered this already I've learned a.great deal and.met some.great people along the.way's.time to say farewell

1 comment:

  1. You do have much to offer. Wishing you the greatest of luck on your job quest! A welcomed goal for 2014 ;-)
