Monday, May 3, 2010

countdown to vacation 4 days

It's been a few weeks since I've blogged many times I don't have the time or the energy to even get on line during the week and trying to type on a swing out keyboard on your cell can get pretty uncomfortable after a while. Lately I've been feeling very tired and worn out and I kept asking myself when the heck is vacation time coming!!! I was so happy when May 1st came and today was a typical long dragging boring Monday with crappy weather to boot. Today was the baby's 18 month visit and he's doing pretty well he weighs 25 lbs, is 33 inches tall and is above average in weight and height I just wish he would says some words but I guess everything will come in due time. I go to check in on vacation hours and it's still not updated and it can get very annoying at times dealing with these people's incompetence. I've been feeling as I'm settling being here and I'm thinking of what my next moves are going to be b/c I know I'm not going to advance where I'm at now and I think I'm pretty smart and have a lot to offer but with child is going to be much harder to attempt to go back to school, etc. with the job situation being so uncertain and all I really want to think what ever I want to do through first b/c regardless of what I feel I do have a steady job now and I don't want to quit b/c I won't be entitled to collect unemployment so I try to hang in there and tune out the bs not a very easy task at times. I sure hope this week flies by b/c I can't wait to get to JFK hop on a plane and say f*@ work, ny, everything for 2 wks and just kick back and relax. I hope tomorrow's weather is better b/c I sure can't stand the rain and traveling in it especially trying to push a stroller and hold an umbrella well I'm exhausted and I hear the bed calling my name so I guess I will end for now.

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