Friday, May 28, 2010

what's the next step

It's been a while since I've blogged and during this time we went on our much needed vacation to Florida. We did a lot and had a great time I sure did not want to come back to NY. It was very sad to leave my mother behind etc. It's going to be one week tomorrow that we've returned back from our vacation and I still really haven't adjusted to my daily routine here. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I find myself coming up with same question where do I go from here? I feel like I want to make a change actually better said I feel like I need to make a change. I loved being over there in florida, the slower pace, the beautiful scenery, the beautiful apartments if you paid $1,000+ over there for an apartment it's a palace not a hall closet or a run down piece of crap that you have to do everything to. I tell myself that there are pros and cons to every situation the biggest con is that I don't drive. I used to drive was never really good at it maybe b/c at the time no one really took the time to teach me how or having the accident was so traumatic for me that I haven't been behind a wheel since. I really don't need to drive here but somewhere is a different story. Another thing is jobs, the economy is bad, you don't earn the same money as here but I guess the lifestyle is a trade off. Lately I've just been feeling that I can be doing better and that we can be living a better life. Today I felt like crap I felt so exhausted and I pryed myself out of bed into the shower and out the front door to the sitter off to the bus and off to work only to feel worse say F# it and leave wk early. I think i'm going to start doing my research and see how to make it happen b/c I'm kind of sick of NY already.


  1. Ay no! You wanting to move to FL, and me wanting to move to NY! lol

    This reminds me of when I went to Mexico to visit family as a teen and I didn't want to come back. I was crying, that's how bad it was. When I came back to the U.S. I begged my dad to let me live with my aunt for a year in Mexico. Of course, he said NO! lol

    Now I realize I was being unrealistic and that the only reason why I wanted to stay over there was because I had a really good time while vacationing and being around all my cousins. It's not the same living somewhere and being there on vacation.

    I think you associate FL with having a good time. As an NYer, you vacation there leaving the stresses of the city behind and are able to unwind. But, things would be different if you lived there. Given, FL might not be as fast paced as NYC, but you are STILL going to encounter the daily work BS, possibly a stressful commute, the morons, etc.

    I think it's a good thing to look into, just consider all your options. But, you are such an NYer at heart, I definitely think if you ever moved anywhere else, you would very much miss NYC :O)

    Good luck with everything and definitely keep us updated!

  2. I see your perspective but I'm still considering the relocation while I will encounter morons, work bs, etc. they will be of a different caliber lol. I did miss NY when I lived in florida but I eventually got used to living there.

  3. LOL @ morons of a "different caliber"... Yeah, FL morons instead of CA lol

    I understand how you feel, as I don't care to spend the rest of my life living in CA either

    I'm hoping whatever happens it's the best decision for you and your family!
