Thursday, June 10, 2010

fb deactivation, etc.

I finally took the step and I deactivated my facebook page. I think it's too much of a distraction for a lot of people and I think that people act like real idiots on social networking sites they kind of take the fun out of it and I also think that people use the internet as a release from reality and they lose their inhibitions b/c they are behind a computer screen. I've seen all kinds of games on here and most recently I noticed a certain individual on my page who seems to have time to acknowledge and post comments on everyone's wall but mine yet we're supposed to be friends I'm thinking to myself wtf is this aren't we supposed to be friends? I can see not everyone responds to every single posting but not one, I said you know f* this I'm tired of people's bs and games I just felt like deleting them altogether but I know there would be issues if I did that so I decided to hide their feeds out of site out of mind. I've realized that a friendship is a two way street and it has to nurtured both ways and I'm not going to continue to chase people. Sometimes in a way I think it's better to leave certain people in the past. I'm trying to figure what my next step is as far as finding a new job, trying to get my health and life together. It's getting to the point that I dread getting up and going to wk everyday it's time to move on i'm just tired of all the bs, the office politics, etc. I went to the dr today and another wave of incompetence 2 freaking hours in the office if it wasn't for the fact that I stopped one of the medical assistants and asked when I was seeing the dr I'd still be rotting in the waiting room wtf is the point of appointments then? I have to say that many of the staff members who work at this place are very ghetto very unprofessional and rude even the RN's I wonder who hires them and how they remain employed. I have to get a series of blood work done, see a specialist about my foot and I looked into seeing a therapist. It will take some time but things will start to look up hopefully I figure things can't get any worse. Tomorrow is finally Friday and I'm glad the weekend is coming maybe I will finally get some rest for a change instead of running around trying to do a bunch of crap that I don't get to do during the week, let's hope.


  1. Amen! Sometimes I look at my FB status updates and think to myself.. where do all these idiots come from? lol

    A lot of ppl are full of shit, fake, etc. on social networking sites. That's prolly why I don't add very many ppl. There's very few ppl whose lives I care about, so why am I going to add a bunch of strangers I'm not even gonna talk to?

    Unfortunately some ppl I HAVE TO add cuz they're family (LOL) even tho they get on my nerves. You know the drama that would occur if I didn't add them! lol

    I miss you on FB, but I also understand where you're coming from, so hopefully I will see you soon :O)

  2. I got tired of the bs and trust I get tempted to log into fb a lot at times but I'm going to be strong and stick to my guns. I look at it this way people know my email, IM, and number if they want to contact me they will. I've realized the hard way that while you can have the best intentions at heart, you can't always reach everyone.
