Monday, July 26, 2010

an okay monday

This weekend like most was pretty busy cleaning, paying bills, going grocery shopping a task that I despise. I have to say that they had some pretty good sales at the supermarket which is good b/c everything is so expensive these days. Today wasn't a bad Monday I usually have a case of the "mondays" every monday but an extra hour of sleep really helped me get going. I got to work on time another plus. I brought my lunch and stood in today there are days where I really don't feel like dealing with the crowds and lines at lunch time. I have to say it's been one hell of a summer weather wise, it seems like we're not getting a break from this heat and my con ed bill was outrageous this month but if we don't use the a/c you can't sleep comfortable and a fan after a while doesn't do a darn thing but blow hot air. Today after I work I wanted to get a few things at the drug store and that turned out to be a painfully annoying experience. I went to two stores looking for a body powder puff and some styling gel after not striking luck at two pharmacies I made the mistake of going into rite aid. I figure the lines are always long so thought nothing of it I went to find my items and time for me to pay what do you know there's some freaking f*tard holding up the line and you can tell the cashier and mgr want to choke her heck I and everyone else on line did too. She kept insisting that they owed her coupons, etc. I was standing on line slowing boiling b/c i'm tired from working, commute I just want to get my stuff and gtfo on home. Finally the kook leaves and it's my turn the cashier has an attitude and asks if I had discount card I didn't have it and while I understand she was majorly annoyed by that tard it's not my fault and she said you need to bring your card but with an attitude I was already aggravated and I was going to tell her off but I counted slowly and didn't and just said thank you and I left. I ask myself wtf is wrong with people, learn how to read and how to count and for the sake of everyone else's sanity if you don't know how to do both or are an annoying nickle and diming cheap skate STAY HOME between the hours of 3-6 pm and come out while the rest of us are at school, work, and come to rite aid or any other establishment and annoy the staff then. I know it sounds pretty messed what I'm saying but cmon! read the signs and the flyers! I know I always do. If i'm wrong and I make a mistake then I put it back I don't hold up a line for 10 minutes and fight with the workers. Except for that tardisode I had a pretty okay day for a Monday. It's been kind of slow at work so there are days where I just feel very bored and unmotivated well I looked inside my drawers today and I couldn't believe what a freaking mess they were I just took everything out and start shredding left and right. I can now find things in my drawer and I ask myself why do people hold on to junk? It felt so liberating to shred and get rid of all that unnecessary crap. I now I have to conquer the left side of my cabinet tomorrow I figure if and when they do lay off or give us a last day my drawers will be cleaned out and I would turn have to turn in the key. If I only had a monster shredder like that at home but of course that's a commercial one and would cost a fortune but I'm going to save up to get a big one b/c they just make cleaning up so much easier. Today my son went to the ENT dr, the ambulatory center, and his pediatrician for pre-surgical stuff. As the date of surgery gets closer I'm nervous about it but I've resigned myself to the fact that it has to be done. He's getting big at his visit he weighed 26 lbs and is now 38 inches tall. I know that day will be here before you know it but I can't wait till it's all over. Well it's past 10 time for me to shower and get ready for bed another early start tomorrow I can pray that the weather isn't as hot as it's been and to get to work on time again but being at the mercy of the mta that doesn't always happen.


  1. Glad you had a semi decent Monday lol... I know you hate Mondays

    When is jr's surgery? I hope every thing goes well. He's such a cutie. What a big boy he is now! :)

  2. The surgery is August 4th. I'm sure you appreciated my comment on your blog lol. I think I'm going to post a note on fb about fb etiquette, and just stuff in general.

  3. Ok. Well, I'll get more details about jr's surgery when I text you..

    lol.. it's funny we are talking about these things, I just read a related post to what were talking about on It's in Spanish. I agree with the blogger.
