Friday, July 30, 2010

to each is own

It's been one heck of a week I thought Friday was never going to come. I hate when things are slow at work b/c it makes the work day drag. It's weird b/c when you're at home time flies by so fast but 4:00 always takes forever and a day to come at work. I was late to work today thanks to the my favorite city agency the MTA 10 minutes to be exact and to top it off I get to work to hear meaningless freaking chatter in the office. I mean some people are so freaking stupid I think they like to just hear themselves talk. One of them starts talking about how all of the food is altered and how meat is killing us etc. etc. I was like shut up please! all of that high priced so called organic stuff sometimes isn't really organic while I know people are entitled to have their opinions and their lifestyles I don't agree with being a vegetarian or vegan. One I love meat too much and not necessarily red meat I like chicken and pork and I feel that if you eat everything in moderation and avoid junk you should be okay unless you have underlying health issues that require you to follow a special diet. I don't see the point in restricting myself from things I like and how much protein can you get from beans, legumes, tofu, etc. and what about dinner who the hell wants to eat beans, rice, and all of that stuff for dinner every single day but to each is own let us eat the way we want to eat and you eat what you want. Then they start talking about how someone is never on time for mass and there I'm thinking again shut up! At least a person is making an effort to go to church, I find that the one that are the most holier than thou are the biggest hypocrites and live in a well built glass house. I don't go to church much but I know that I'm a good person, like to help others when I can and I have compassion for other people and I try not to judge people even though I'm human and sometimes we all fall short of the mark. I've learned that everyone will always have an opinion about things you do regardless of how much effort you put, spent, tried to make it right b/c that's human nature I try not to care about what other people think about me but a very small part of us does notice how I say very small. I'm glad that we're getting a short break from this heat wave but I'm sure the weather will find it's way back up there again. I cant believe tomorrow is August 1st where has the year gone. Next month is my bday I can't believe how old i'm going I'll be 21 again lol I so wish I was 21 again I would do so many things differently if I was. Lately I just feel very bored with work I know i've been feeling like that for a while but with the economy being so bad I'm really afraid to start looking for anything else but I think a person knows when it's time to move on and I know that time has come for me. I'm just trying to do it right. I just feel like I can be doing something more challenging and there a lot of stuff that goes on here that I don't like and honestly if I wanted a higher administrative opportunity due to the bs and office politics I would never get it so why stick around b/c of the economy and my son. This weekend I plan to clean the house of course but I also plan to relax and take it easy for once. Wednesday is the big day for the baby's surgery I'm praying everything will go well but i'm glad my husband will be home this week so I can at least get an extra hour of sleep in the mornings and hope that I will get to work on time for a change. Well it's 9:30 and I'm ready for a pepsi, some tv a shower and to crash into bed.


  1. You can make your own decision Jenn, live to please yourself and not other people, it's your health and your body. Aspire freely to whatever makes you happy in life; having an opinion on people makes us all a bit judgmental to a certain degree.

  2. Like I said about that "vegan" co-worker of yours, I say you invite her to a burger joint one of these days for lunch lol jk

    Change is good, but there's nothing wrong with you being diligent in your quest for a new job/career. The job market is crappy right now.

    I hope everything goes well with OC's surgery. I am certain you will keep me posted.

  3. @ Paola A lot of people blog to express themselves positively a lot of people use it as a release. I find blogging to be very cathartic and therapeutic especially when I might not be having a good day. We all have our days. You know me very well that I make my own decisions I may listen to everyone's input to some degree but in the end it's up to you what you choose to do hence the title of my blog "to each is own" we're all human and fall short of the mark sometimes and may come off judgmental but some want to have their philosophies and condemn others for not sharing theirs. It would be a pretty boring world if we were all the same wouldn't it? btw why don't you have comment feature on your blogs?

  4. People can comment on my blog, they can write to me or tell me what they think "directly", I am a very reserved individual and that is my prerogative. Trying to have a healthy life style is not a sin, imposing anything on someone is plain stupidity which is something I would never do. Admitting to imperfection and to being a sinner is a step forward in my opinion. I'll have a burger with you anytime you want, lol. I try to see the world with rose tinted glasses but I know it could become hard sometimes.

  5. I don't see you as a reserved person because in the past you've never had a problem saying what was on your mind even it wasn't the most popular opinion. I like to see and read comments left on my blog I don't always agree with things but that goes for anything. Some of your blog postings have very good information in them or good music and I'd like to be able to offer some insight but if you chose not to have it on it's your choice. You can't see the world with rose colored glasses you have to acknowledge all of parts of life the happy, the sad, and everything in between. If we allow ourselves to wallow in depression and self pity we will never go forward and sometimes life sucks and it's not fair to us but what alternative do we have? I always find myself complaining alot especially lately but then sometimes I stop myself and say let me realize what I DO have some people have it a lot worse.

  6. What I like most about blogging is the writing process, although I think I might be in the crayon faze of it, heh, heh, heh. "I told you that I like to see the world with rose tinted colored glasses but it's hard sometimes" which just means I like to be positive but I am also realistic. I know all the emotional spectrums and I agree that it's important to acknowledge them. I think blogs help people like us find peace within ourselves. Surviving through any emotional turmoil with a positive end is very hard but I really think that is what most people look forward to and that is what I try to achieve.
