Sunday, October 17, 2010

my old friend exhaustion

This weekend was like most cleaning this house and organizing it.  Lately I havent been feeling well and trying to find the time to see the dr is hard when you work full time.  I've been having back pain tightening in my chest and today I really felt bad and I went to the clinic but my blood pressure was normal and the dr who saw me told me it was probably due to my posture in my chair at work which can certainly be true but I want to rule everything out.  I never experienced tightening in my chest until recently.  I notice this happens when I feel stressed out so I try to keep my stress levels low which isn't always easy.  I realize that I have to make time to care for myself and my health b/c without health there is nothing,.  I just felt like this doctor at the clinic was rushing the visit sometimes I feel like that a lot of doctors rush their patients or have a poor bedside manner it's hard to find a good doctor who will listen to your concerns.  I was given two prescriptions and I left.  I had an appointment scheduled for thursday with my regular dr and I will go and hope he can provide some insight the other couldn't I think he's a little detached and impersonal too I think I just might shop around for a new primary dr eventually.  We then went to walmart and after that ate at the olive garden I love the olive garden the ambiance and the food it is italian food but it's not heavy greasy just excellent.  I missed out on dessert this time but it's definitely worth the drive to long island.  I still wasn't feeling well and when I got home I just changed into my pjs and layed down in bed and watched some tv I then felt somewhat better I think one of the problems is lack of adequate rest, it seems like there is always something to do, some where to go and I realize that there are only so many things we can do in a day.  Weekends end too fast and before you know it monday morning arrives again and back to work and the same back and forth routine.  We still have to get oc jr halloween costume and birthday theme.  I think most likely it will be disney cars.  I can't believe that he will be 2 yrs old next month, seems like time flew by so fast.  He is a bundle of energy and wants to be into everything.   He is starting to go down to sleep without a fight again which is good especially when most of the time we're exhausted ourselves.  He goes through his phases where he is difficult to put to bed, etc.  We got him a stool to reach the potty and sink but I think he plays with it more than anything else I can't wait till he is potty trained but this isnt going to be an easy process and many accidents along the way I don't mind the #1 its the #2 that are gross.  I'm so looking forward to my vacation in December b/c I just want to rest and get a break from this fast paced city life.

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