Thursday, November 25, 2010


It's been a while since I've actually blogged in my original blog says alot about my life that I'm always on the go and don't have much time to blog in here.  Sometimes I wish I had more down time to rest, reflect, etc.  Today was Thanksgiving and it was pretty cold and it eventually rained.  Yesterday I flew out of work and on my way home went to the supermarket to pick up the ingredients for coquito which is a pr version of spiked egg nog consisted of evaporated milk, raisins, cream of coconut, and borden egg nog and bacardi rum.  I've always loved this and it tastes good especially when you leave it in the fridge for days or even a week or two.  You can also make it non-alcoholic.  Well the associated closest to my house is the most annoying and disorganized place I've ever seen.  First item I found was coco lopez cream of coconut, and it took me two more times passing the same aisle to find the next few items unreal and the aisles are narrow these are the reasons I love pathmark and stop and shop b/c at least you can move through the aisles with ease.  My husband picked up the liquor and made everything and it came out pretty good I'd like to make a virgin version of this b/c I'm not much of a drinker and like the coconut taste.  Thanksgiving is a time when you think about what you're thankful for I think that we should be thankful everyday of the year for what we have and every day that we wake up is a blessing and a start to another day.  I'm thankful for my health, that my husband is healthy and in remission, my son is a very active and spunky toddler,  I'm thankful that I have a job in these tough economic times even though it doesn't seem like it at times since I rant about it a lot in many of my entries but I know I'm lucky for this as it seems like a job these days is a luxury few have.  This helps me provide for my son and household I'm also thankful for medical insurance that many in this country don't have or can't afford . I think it is a shame that these are basic needs that we should have and many don't.  Holidays are a time of joy but they're also a time of sadness., Everytime the holiday season comes around I get sort of depressed I've always been like that for as long as I can remember especially when xmas and new years rolls around.  I spoke to my mother today and she spent thanksgiving in my aunts house I sure wish she could've been here for thanksgiving but the distance and finances make this difficult my only consolation is that we will be with her for xmas.  She mentioned to me that the holiday gathering is getting smaller and it sure is.  I remember when I was a kid the gatherings were huge aunts uncles spouses grandparents, trees food it was great but as the years pass things happen people change divorces, etc. and my grandparents grew older and moved away to Florida that was hard when they left but we had a new place to visit.  Had some great times in that home too but eventually my grandmother got older, more depressed, and when she got sick it was a shock to all of us and when she passed I took her death extremely hard,  she was like a second mother to  me and we shared a very special bond, I was one of the few who truly understood her and accepted her for who she was.  I felt the same about her with me.  This time of the year saddens me a little b/c this was her favorite time of the year, the holiday season, she'd get up early and start the preparations for dinner, tons of food, she always would want to make everyone feel welcomed.   I miss her for many reasons but holiday time is the true reminder of how much.  Get togethers now are very different I feel welcomed but don't feel the warmth I once did when she was alive.  It seems like these days people don't put importance on family these days and it shows in many ways.  Today a relative of mine came over and prepared the turkey stuffing and cake which we were too stuffed to even eat and I will frost it and eat it maybe later or tomorrow night.  Time used to last forever and now it seems like time flies by so fast and it waits for no one.  I watched the thanksgiving parade on tv and what seemed like a long parade flies by on tv.  I saw some of the old floats like snoopy kermit the frog and lots of nice new colorful floats.  I saw the parade live in 2007 and it was really nice to see everything in person it's not the same at home on tv.  I think next year we will take oc jr to see it I think he will like the characters, etc.   We said grace and ate our meal and I actually was knodding off on the couch afterward I sure wish I didn't have to work tomorrow.  I see a lot of black friday deals but I don't see myself getting up so early to deal with crowds, pushing, etc. just to get a good deal on an item I've heard of fights, and someone losing their life at the walmart and that in my opinion takes away from what thanksgiving is all about giving thanks not wasting your time and spending money you don' t have on inanimate objects like electronics, etc.  I value my life, my sanity and personal safety a whole lot more and the only way I'd take advantage of a black friday deal is if it is online and I can shop in the comfort of my own home and lap top.  Another small victory happened even though the road ahead is long they took the first step in getting the help they need and I feel very sad for them b/c I never imagined they would get to this point but they always say the first step is the hardest and my mother was sad that they couldn't spend the holidays with the family and hopefully they will able to spend xmas with the family or at least we will be able to visit.  This person makes me very angry at times but at the end of the day he is family and I do care about this person even though it may not seem like it at times.  After Santa appears in the thanksgiving parade is the unofficial start to the xmas season.  I'm counting down the days till our road trip 20 days left.  I look forward to driving down and spending time with my mother whom I haven't seen in a while and she is excited to see her grandson and just appreciate the change of scenery and slower pace of life.  It seems like that day is never going to arrive but I know it will be here before you know it.  I love vacations but they sure end too fast.  I wish I can afford to take a whole month off or more we can all dream can't we? lol.  I sure hope everyone enjoyed their thanksgiving stuffed their face with good food and spent it with family and friends.  I sure wish I didn't have to wake up early and work but everyone else beat me to the punch of requesting the day off if I'm still there next year I'm requesting the day after thanksgiving off in August this way by this time next year I will be cozy in my bed instead of setting my alarm clock for the usual time tomorrow.  Well off to frost the cake sure wish it was chocolate but it's simple white cake.  Still have my sweet tooth even after all of these years.

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