Friday, November 26, 2010

up late

Last night I had no problem falling asleep and I slept so good that if it weren't for my husband waking me up I would've kept sleeping.  It was 6:30 I should've been up by at least 6 if I'm not dropping jr off.  Well It took me a while to get out of bed the weather was cold and drizzly and most mornings I do need some coaxing to get out of bed.  I try to be as quiet as I can walking so that I don't creak the wood floors and wake jr up.  I usually wake up by watching ny1 but no time today I used the bathroom and jumped in the shower and let the water hit my face, throw on my clothes and sneakers and grab my jacket and bag off to the train station and for some reason this morning the train was a little behind.  It was like a ghost town on the train and on the platform.  I got the best seats in the house the two seater.  Considering I woke up late I got to the city early but not early enough to stop and get breakfast and punch in on time so I punched in first and then went back outside which technicall i'm not supposed to do but no one is around that early so I went to dunkin donuts and the ms congenialty twins who usually take the orders weren't there today I got my stuff and left and as I was walking to work I see something dripping out of the bag the darn hot chocolate leaked all over my wrap, donut, etc.  I thought wtf I knew I was in a fog mentally but I wasn't expecting this to happen to me I know they usually put the hot chocolate and coffee in a separate bag.  I walk back to the store with this nasty bag and tell them what happened and they replaced my order.  I politely asked if they would put the hot chocolate in a separate bag someone else would've probably told them off but you know what I didn't have the energy to argue I was barely awake myself and there's a possiblity I also could've turn the bag the wrong way.  I'm up late tonight which is extremely unusual b/c by 11 i'm in another dimension snoring.  I made it through the day at work sent out a ton of mail, did other work and printed out a black friday quiznos special and I couldn't believe that they actually have the nerve to tell you which sandwich to pick even thought it doesn't say this on the coupon I guess a call needs to be to the corporate office I just don't get these restaurants in the lower manhattan area they think everyone is a yuppie and can afford their outrageous prices.  I met up with my husband and son after work he was getting new tires put on and to kill time we went to look at furniture at raymour & flanigan and I didn't think that I'd like anything from their and I've been told they're very expensive but after the broken bed frame I've learned that you have to spend the extra money to get a good sturdy quality product especially when it comes to furniture.  I saw two sofa sleepers but he still wants to shop around which is fine.  I'd like to get a chocolate brown microfiber or a nice dark olive green.  My son of course was running around the store and we both had to keep after him.  I notice you can't run after him b/c he thinks you're playing with him and run even more.  :(.  Tomorrow is the usual clean up and organize.  After me and my son got home while he went back to get more work done on the car I eat some left overs and left overs are ok to a  point turkey is good when well seasoned and cooked well for it to stay moist but overall it's a dry and I prefer mine with gravy but I guess we finished all of it last night.  I still have left over but I will have to buy some more gravy at the store.  Some people can eat left overs for days I'm not one of those people maybe one day after that I just want to throw it in the trash.  I went to frost the cake yesterday and they forgot to spray the pan with pam non stick before baking so it got stuck to the pan so I have to bake another cake.  Today was the official start of black friday and while I was on my way to dunkin donuts I saw this group of 3 women with a grocery shopping cart filled with bags from macys and other stores lol now that's a unique idea and they looked like they were headed toward century 21 well better them than me as I said in my blog yesterday blk friday isn't for me.  I was watching the office and boy is that character played by steve carrell is such a schmuck sadly there are people like that at work actually there are some real characters in the office now seinfeld is on and while it's funny I'm slowing knodding off and my son wakes up early so I'm going to end it here or I will pay for it tomorrow morning when he's up bright eyed and full of energy so off to bed I go to catch some zzz's. 

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