Thursday, December 9, 2010

thinking out loud

It's a miracle that I'm still even awake at this time b/c usually I'm resting in bed or conked out.  Tomorrow jr will be dropped off by his father which gives me a break and I'm able to sleep in a little longer which makes a difference.  I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday this week has been tortorous and the past few week overall have dragged on like my vacation is never going to get here.  Today was a pretty stressful morning and I made it to work a few minutes late but better six than 15 minutes late.  I get to work and can't wait to calm down and unwind after the hustle and bustle of dropping the child off and commuting into the city and what do I hear almost immediately getting into the door the usual bs of these people and it really gets on my nerves at times I mean cmon don't you have anything else to talk about it's the same bs over and over again them being broke, gossiping, etc. it's like a  happy land social club instead of a freaking office. One of them is overdue to be told off only reason I don't do it b/c she's not worth my time or aggravation but not everyone takes the high road.  Me and another co-worker of mine who feels like me we pass notes back and forth we shouldn't but we do and she saw us and started talking smack.  Whatever how do you know we're talking about you you're not that important seriously.  Anyways after wishing they'd all drink a nice cozy cup of STFU I begin my work and tune their crap out with my ipod.  My supervisor comes over to me and points out an error I made ok I'm human so I take it stride but after a while it got old she came back with several returned letters that had to be corrected and resent.  Sometimes when we're at work we just want to be left alone I know I do.  I like working alone and to myself I work much faster.  Well the early afternoon comes I take out my xmas cards and start doing them I have my hotmail screen up and to my surprise I see someone spying at my computer screen I was so into doing my xmas cards I didn't even notice right away until I looked up and saw her and gave her eye contact and she walked away I felt like asking her can I help you? I would think after all this time you still want to try and get something on me, a real shame that some people have no excitement in their lives I look at this way you don't get paid to look at what i'm doing and you might want to be careful who you're "watching" especially when you live in a glass house yourself and a bunch of stone may come at full force and break your house down very fast.  Another so called mature person who is either 40 or almost there.  I'm telling you I've come to the conclusion that some people NEVER grow up no matter how much time passes or how old they come become, they say age is just a number it sure is it's all where your head is at. This is the reason I should've gotten an ipad or android tablet to use while I'm at work this way no one can spy on me. I then left to lunch to mail my cards I sure didn't want to be outside in that freezing cold weather but I needed to run some errands and grab something to eat.  I opted for a quiznos sub.  I couldn't wait to get back to my desk so I can warm up again.  I leave after 4 and the train was packed of course it never fails the stupid J and M trains were acting up.  The J train I was on starts going local and when the M comes it was also full but I found my way in didn't care.  I finally made it home after 5 very frozen indeed. Shortly before that my cell phone dies, I need to get a phone with a better battery life heck I need to get rid of AT &T period their service is horrible I never had so many dropped calls frozen touch screens, etc. when I had tmobile or metro pcs.  on top of their service being crappy their expensive.  I even read on consumer reports they were ranked worst service provider saying they don't have enough towers well build some more lol I think I'm going to get so sick and tired of them one of these days that I will just pay termination fee and look elsewhere I really like that EVO phone or a galaxy s phone would be nice too it would be even more appealing if I didn't have to sign a contract I'm not making that mistake again.  I want to be free from commitment from any service providers.  Iphone is a nice thing but I sure as heck wouldn't switch to them just to have a phone with great features and shitty service hey steve jobs who the f* wants a phone that they have to hold upside down just to get reception???? I sure don't if it costs that much it should at least have a good solid signal and clarity when you're talking.  This evening the occupational therapist from early intervention came over to evaluate jr and he determined that my son needs occupational therapy and I'm not exactly thrilled about his findings.  First we were all tired we had a long day me working the commute the baby at daycare and this guy also looked tired.  I didn't like the fact he had him in highchair instead of on the floor free for him to move around better I think that frustrated him a lot.  I think I prefer if any therapist comes to the home that they come on the weekends during the week is too much by the end of day I'm exhausted and not focused much.  I realize everything is in the best interest of my son but I felt like he had a better connection with the other therapists and I'm going to express this to the service coordinator tomorrow after this we attend a meeting we'll see where this goes.  I was told I may not like every therapist and they're sure right about that i'm not even crazy about the coordinator either but I bite the bullet for my son's sake people are human besides having a title behind their name sometimes there's a connections sometimes not.  I'm so glad tomorrow is friday and I have less than week left till we finally hit the road for Florida I look forward to the road trip seeing my family regardless of all the issues that have been going on lately and a break from that office, the mundane routine and the fast past of this city.  Well I'm beyond exhausted and I'm headed off to bed.  I need to make sure my cell phone alarm is set b/c as tired as I am I will not hear it and oversleep and who wants to be in a rush in the morning. 

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