Wednesday, March 14, 2012

hump day

It's hump day and on my daily ride to work and I'm loving this spring weather its supposed to get up to 70 today but still a little cold in the am.  I can't believe March is here it seems like yesterday that we were bringing in the new year.  I haven't had much time to blog with work bills dealing with Jr his surgery and just life overall I'm ready to conk out at the end of each day.  In the time since Jr has had the surgery I can see an improvement in his speech and his hearing when he watches tv and when we call him and I'm hoping we will continue to see improvement but what we have to work on now is his behavior and potty training.  The wheels of the court system are turning very slow for me which means my divorce is going to take even longer for it to be finalized which frustrates me b/c this is a chapter of my life I want to close already and it seems like this lawyer is disorganized and shortage of staff in court isn't making this any easier and now they're claiming a consultant is needed to pension benefits if you ask me its just bs to make more money off the client.  So I'm looking at a tentative month of July maybe even further either way I will breathe a sigh of relief when all is said and done.  I've been trying to fix up my apt got a new lap top and I'm trying to live happy which isn't always easy sometimes.  There is also economic uncertainty at wk where the cmsr called for the shut down of my unit they calmed everyone down but its only a matter of time and I want to be prepared so I'm sprucing my resume and thinking of going back to school to prepare myself I've come to the point where I want to advance myself and I don't want to struggle economically anymore.  I looked into benefits for Jr and I'm hoping they will approve him as it will make things much easier for us.  I'm looking up and I'm not even in the city yet so I now I will be late darn the price I pay for not setting the alarm.  As far as the dating scene goes my hunches were right he told me he got in contact with someone whom they used to like each other but couldn't do anything since they were attached when I heard this my heart shattered into a million pieces I didn't see it coming we had a great wknd previous to this he said it was nothing I said or did which didnt make me feel any better or mend my ego I don't think he expected I would stop contact but I did and it was a hard decision to make but I'm not going to stand by the sidelines while you play the field or have me as a back up plan and still having the same arrangement men or ppl in general want to have their cake and eat it too nope I will quit while I'm ahead and maintain my dignity and prevent myself from getting hurt even worse.  It's sad b/c I really liked him a lot fun to be around but sometimes things take a weird turn and I'm tired of trying to figure ppl out in all aspects of my life honestly so I'm taking it as a hard lesson learned and while I'm feeling much better about things it will take me a while to venture out into the dating scene again b/c ppl are full of shit and want to play games and at this stage of my life I'm too old for games and drama I need a mature guy in my age group not the bs I read on these dating sites and just what I see in day to day life.  I guess its not my time yet well time to get off the 6 train and begin my work day with a cup of coffee

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