Friday, March 23, 2012

getting back on track

Today is friday my favorite day of the week b/c I know when I go home that I can stay up a little later watch some of my shows like law & order, investigation discovery, I avoid reality shows like the plague I have enough drama in my own life the last thing I need to see is someone else's bs and honestly if they throw of some their money my way maybe I'd show a tad of interest anyway the past few days I've been doing a lot of thinking and I fell of track with my exercise and diet better said fell off the wagon totally. When I'm stressed out bored or feeling down I eat and that's a bad habit and unfortunately it's things I really have no business eating like sweets which are my ulimate weakness, chips, and candy and fast food is readily available on long late days when the last thing I feel like doing is cooking. I unfortunately got sick with strep throat this week and when I was weighed at the dr I gained 6 lbs. I'm not sure if the scale was off b/c when I came out it was 176.5. Anyway it was a wake up call that I need to get back on track with my diet and exercise and hold myself accountable for what I put in my mouth so I joined Weight Watchers the point system is much easier to figure out what to eat and even if I don't eat their food I will make sure I exercise extreme portion control. My goal weight was 155 but when I enrolled last night online a healthy weight is between 113-141. I will aim for the higher number of 141 b/c I will look like a crack head at 113 lbs. Dieting is also not easy when you have plenty of goodies like spanish food to tempt you. Until today I didn't realize how hard it is to eat healthy I passed by a frozen yogurt place, checkers, etc. ignored them all. Instead I visited the fruit stand near my office building and purchased some gala apples 3 bananas and some pears. I also drink tons of water so I'm hoping that I will see some results. I also fell off track b/c I know I was slightly depressed b/c things didn't work out the way I thought they would with him but I guess everything happens for a reason I'm feeling much better about it but it still bothers me at times I also think that maybe it was bad timing we were both going through a divorce, etc. I can think of any possiblities and what ifs and I'd drive myself crazy b/c only he knows why and even though he said it was nothing I did I don't think what he did was nice or fair but I guess if he wasn't willing to give it a try it his loss not mine. I got jr progress report from school and he's doing well except for his not sharing and aggressive behavior at times. I try to have more patience when disciplining him which is hard when I'm tired at the end of the day from working and dealing with so much other bs. He misbehaved last night and I told him no story time and stuck to it, he hates that but he has to understand that when he misbehaves there will be consequences. I'm trying to get so many things done like gather the necessary documents to complete the application process for food stamps, notarize the divorce papers and get things for SSI but sometimes there aren't enough hours in a day. I will make my best efforts this weekend to get as much done as I can. Next week will make month since jr got his tubes put in ears and I see he's progressing today is post op visit so I'm hoping that everything is ok and he's healing well. I also have to apply for NYCERS benefits for retirement b/c sadly our wonderful mayor wants to get rid of our city benefits and make it like the private industry with 401K which is a crock of bs b/c people do their time and pay their dues they should receive their pension and benefits. Our governor is another idiot whose supposed to be a democrat I honestly think he's kissing the right's a** way too much is actually for this plan that would reduce benefits to 40% and make people work till almost 70 which is totally unfair so I will be going down there to make sure I get enrolled in the current plan before the new one goes into effect. It's not easy thinking about the future but we have to think about it, even though it's hard with the bad economy, rising cost of living, lack of job security regardless we will get old and we have to be able to survive somehow. Well it's after 2 my lunch is over and I have to finish the rest of the day my first day of weight watchers wasn't too bad even thought I cheated with 5 girl scout cookies lol but I will behave from this day forward.

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