Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Metro pcs jingle

I made the mistake of switching from sprint to metro pcs aka metro piece of s# thinking I'd be saving money and to cut any financial ties.with the ex well what ive gotten in exchange is a phone that was a lower end android upgraded it to their so called higher end android to find its not compatible with mp3 music sites etc.  I learned a very expensive lesson you get what you pay for.

Metro pcs jingle:

This is metro piece of s$

If you want lousy service with getting 4 messages at once or none at all or late voice mails and poor internet connections this is.for you and.dont be broke b/c.they will pull the plug hello hello.hello what? Are you.freaking deaf? Nope its metro pcs.  Yes thats my rant lol but I will run not walk to sprint store friday which is pay day and switch back and stay there just hope they never merge with att another piece of junk service.  I rather pay more and get better service and get the best use out of my phone. Im still deciding between the htc arrive evo 3d and htc evo one.  While I prefer the htc one since its the newest one just unveiled last week in stores im anything will be better than what I have now

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The Money

My tribute to Donna Summer who was an amazing singer in the 70-80's who recently passed away at the age of 63 due to lung cancer.  Some of her music was before my time but I still loved it anyway this songs hits home to me and many other working women out there single and married our personals sacrifices as mothers and women that sometimes others don't see and take for granted.  I sure work hard for my mere bag of shells lol and it doesn't always go far but I guess it's better than zero.  The whole point of the song is ladies work hard so appreciate us and give us love and respect and you shall receive the same in return.

Friday, May 18, 2012

trayvon martin case

This is a case that has received lots of media attention nationwide and now the current headline is that the autopsy reveals that Trayvon Martin had marijuana in his system and there were cuts and bruises on George zimmerman. I am infuriated as well as millions of others as to how the Florida justice system handled this case and how this guy isn't rotting in jail where he belongs. B/c they're gun laws are very liberal and lax first and their justice system is totally a** backwards. I guess it's not enough that this man who is simply a neighborhood watch person with no formal law enforcement, military training or otherwise attacks a teenager who was talking on his cell phone and racially profiled him simply b/c he was wearing a hoodie as a personal threat to his safety I guess he couldn't live in NYC b/c everyone wears hoodies here I guess us and every other urban city would be under attack *roll eyes* the last time I checked people could wear whatever they want. You are in a car following this teenager in a car this alone gives you the upper hand to get away from a situation if you really felt threatened but if you listen to 911 recording they told him not to follow him that the police would handle it but this douche took it one step further b/c he's a racist This man was an ignorant racist who has been heard making racist statements and acting irrationally who decided to let his racism and ignorance get the best of him and shoot an innocent teenager. I think the media should be ashamed and the defense team as trying to make Zimmerman look like a victim with these autopsy results and even if he did have marijuana in his system what teenager doesn't smoke weed he probably had the munchies smh it was still NO EXCUSE to kill another human being who was unarmed he took the law into his own hands and killed someone who had their whole life ahead of them. His father is a judge that's why he is getting all the breaks he's gotten up to this point this and many other cases like it shows that the system sucks and due to poor work by police and other law enforcment agencies sometimes people get away with or are even wrongly accused of crimes that they didn't even commit. Nothing not even an conviction of Zimmerman which I doubt will happen but should happen will give the Martin family their son back. I get disgusted by how the media takes things and twists them around to make things look a certain way and they are sure trying hard with this case to make this man look like a victim when he clearly is not he is a racist and his actions were fueled by racism and ignorance which is not that uncommon for that part of the country sadly everyone is afraid of the unknown I'm hoping even though it's a long shot that a prosecutor sees right through this ridiculous attempt by the defense team and the media and puts him behind bars where he belongs. People wonder why no respects the police and any law enforcement personnel it's b/c a lot of them are corrupt incompetent and very unprofessional. I've seen first hand what a bunch of aholes the cops can be over here and I also think it's b/c they have lowered the requirements to become an officer in my opinion overall the only thing they raised is the education requirements but there are people out there that have to business carrying a badge in my opinion we know of a cop in our area who has several complaints of excessive force and a tenant in my building has a law suit against him for assault yet this man is still on the street working smh things that make you go hmmm,.....

Its been a while

I havent had much time lately to keep this blog up to date so many things going in my daily life I rarely have time anymore.  Since ive last posted I have applied for foodstamps and after them losing my papers not once but twice I was denied b/c I make too much money which is total bs b/c they base this on gross income not.net what.it really should be based on I also applied for ssi for jr hoping I have better luck in that area. Its getting harder to get by these days and with rents increasing plus food costs nothing lasts.  to make matters worse I got a notice of another rent hike which I cant afford I can barely afford rent now being a single parent is hard emotionally and financially im still on the dating scene and its been one disappointment after another and while each experience is different im left wondering if there are any good men out there who want a real relationship other than play games or a friend with benefits  so the search continues the divorce is a slow work in progress in three months it will be a year that he left.  Ive been on and.off with the gym and sadly I gained back some weight and.its my fault with my bad food.choices and laziness but there are days I just have no.energy and the crowds at the gym turn me off excuses I know but I have to get back on track if the junk is not there I wont eat it lol.  Jr is getting big and is a handful at times he caught a virus which he got from school but is ok now.  I had plans to go to the movies but now I feel lazy dont feel like going smh maybe tomorrow the lunch I had no business eating at mcdonalds plus weekly tiredness has me wanting to go home.  Jr is going with his dad gives me a free weekend to relax and catch up on cleaning which didnt get done due to mothers day. Mothers day wasnt easy this.yr due to a disagreement my brother was thrown out it was a long time coming but I think in the end it is for the best he was referred to a sober living place not in the best part of town but at least he has a steady place to live for now until something permanent comes along  the 3:00 stretch has arrived time to finish up the work day

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