Monday, August 20, 2012

Latest dating bomb

I've spoken about my experiences on the dating scene before on here but I think this past weekend I think was the worst I've ever experienced. I was spoking with a guy through text and I wanted to see the dark knight movie and he seemed like a cool guy so I checked the movie listing there was a 10 pm show at the theater. The guy a.k.a the cowardly douche bag agreed to me by the bank. I got there relatively fast especially due to MTA's track record especially on the weekend. When I met him let's just say I was surprised he didn't formally introduce himself to me which I found to be rude. One thing I look for in people is manners and if you have no manners that's a bad sign. I also visualized his pic from the dating pg and he looked nothing like the pic either let's just say if I saw him in the street he wouldn't be someone I'd go for so fast fwd I'm extremely nervous as I usually am on my dates but something wasn't clicking with this guy. He asked me what I liked to do I answered and he also threw out to go back to his place for drinks which in my mind I thought yeah right. We get to the movies and there is a ramp to go up the parking garage this jerk hits the gas hard and speeds up the ramp I was pissed off by this time. We get out of the car and start walking down the steps to the theater and he seemed annoyed that I wasn't talking much. He then did the unthinkable and insults me saying I look "tired" like I smoked weed. I was dumbfounded and insulted all I wanted to do is pop him in the face! but I didn't we get on the ticket line and the douche bag says that he doesn't see the batman movie I looked again and told him there it is all of a sudden he says **** I forgot my wallet and goes back up the stairs I waited almost 15 minutes HE NEVER CAME BACK. I never been so humiliated in my life I felt like such a fool and a part of me is still in a state of shock that this happened. It was late at night and I had to walk back to the train station alone luckily this area has lots of things to do so there was plenty of ppl around so I felt safe I got back on the train and bus and came home. I never imagined that this would happen. I can't believe that a 36 yr old man would do something so low rude and cowardice. If you weren't feeling and I sure as hell wasn't as his very rude comments he could've been a MAN about it but a MAN wouldn't have handled it this way. This experience and the two other date bombs before this one with someone who had no manners or social graces I had to open my own door didn't ask for a table and while we had small talk was more concerned with the sports game on tv and this is what I paid round trip metro north tickets for the other one was a loser from jersey who talked a lot of crap was ghetto and crass. All of this has left me with a bad taste in my mouth wondering if I will ever find the right guy b/c all I've encountered lately is a bunch of douche bags. The majority of ppl on these dating sites are full of crap some of them lie about their age and post fake pictures it has caused me to take a step back and think about this experience and while I'm sure this is not the last douche bag I will run into but it has taught me a lesson not everyone who they seem and always have extra cash for a cab just in case.

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