Thursday, September 6, 2012

September has arrived.

This summer just flew by September has arrived yet we still have the uncomfortable humid weather of August. A little disappointing as I didn't step on to the sand or inside a pool not even once this summer and a vacation although very much needed was way out of my financial reach. I will plan better for next year as I want to travel more. I want to take a trip with my good friend and I want to take jr to disney world I think he will enjoy that very much. I am now a Sprint customer again and I went through a whole load of crap just to get my old number ported over from Tmobile I've never had to wait 3 days for this and after much aggravation and threatening to cancel my service after 6 pm I finally got a successful release of my number from Tmobile and let's just say I WILL NEVER EVER give them my business again and this was totally inexcusable and their monthly 4G service sucks as well. I'm way better off with Sprint and I realize you get what you pay for. I now have a Galaxy S 2 phone I wish I could've gotten the Galaxy S3 but it was a non pay week at this point I'm just glad to finally have a working phone. Today is the first day of school and I'm sure thousands of parents around the city are relieved that this day has finally come for them kids can only be home for so long they need to be mentally stimulated and have some where to go every day. Today is jr's first day back at pre school and I'm hoping he has another great year there but I'm also wondering what his IEP and progress reports say and what will happen at the next Board of Ed mtg if he will get approved for physical therapy and what program they will recommend for kindergarten b/c honestly I don't trust the board of ed their motives or this school he attends for that matter they try to down play his condition and we see the behaviors he has at home and they're very real so I don't want to see him being thrown into a mainstream program that he is clearly not ready for yet as said by the neurological pediatrician who formally diagnosed him. I received a letter from HRA stating they're still working on my case, wth are they working on? seriously? give me my one shot deal I mean I submitted everything and then some and I couldn't beleive that even the deputy commissioner had the nerve to tell me I submitted everything late @@ whatever take the word of your incompetent clockwatchers you have for case workers I don't care just approve me for help. I got the landlord to take a lower amount from me in rent for September and I hope he will keep the rent at that amount as it will be much easier for me to pay the rent and stay on track with the other household expenses. I have been off the radar from the online dating scene and I have to say that I don't miss it at all. The only thing I didn't delete was my online profile on Christian Mingle lol that I occassionally look at profiles but after looking through some I realize that there are even crazy church going people so I continue to proceed with extreme caution. I still haven't heard from my fwb it's been over a month already and I know he was going through a lot but I don't think it would hurt to respond to a text msg and at least let me know you're alive and ok even though lately I've had an itch I can't scratch on my own lol. Something tells he hasn't been honest with me I've always had that feeling. They always say be careful what you look for online b/c you may not like what you find. I came across his old myspace page from 2009 and I saw pics of his so called ex and kids and I have to say that although he tells me that they're not together I don't believe it. I've stopped texting b/c #1 I have my dignity and self respect to maintain and if it is meant that I ever hear from him again I will if not my life will go on and I hope to meet someone else that can give me what I'm seeking a healthy friendship and relationship that will start out as friends and evolve into a loving relationship if the chemistry is right. I've lost some weight but still haven't gone down into my size 8 jeans again so I have to stop being lazy and hit the gym harder. I can't wait for Fall to arrive I'm tired of humid weather already and wearing my hair back b/c it's too hot. I love cool crisp weather not freezing but comfortable at least. This week although was a 4 day work week seemed very long I am glad tomorrow is friday and look fwd to weekend even though I'm so broke I can't pay attention smh. On another note my mother saw her doctor's and has to see a spine specialist and based on his consult she may have to get back surgery which is no joke b/c our spine is a very delicate area of the body it controls our ability to walk but she may not have a choice b/c insurance will only pay for pain mgmt and physical therapy for so long and it's only a temporary fix along with meds. I'm hoping her insurance covers a home attendant or nurse b/c if she does need surgery I can't afford to take time off to take care of her which totally sucks but that is the harsh reality of my situation now. This is the time when I wish I had one of my aunts living here in NY who could help her out but everyone lives in Florida. My brother will be transferred to another rehab this month and from what I hear he is doing better but I will be happy when I see him out of there living on his own working and doing his thing. This month will be the 6 year anniversary of my grandmother's death I can't believe it's been that long but I still miss her like crazy and feel her loss very much but I always keep in her my in my heart and my thoughts. Well it's time for me to start getting to work and looking productive.

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