Thursday, May 2, 2013

'Ice cream assault' on Long Island - New York News | NYC Breaking News

'Ice cream assault' on Long Island - New York News | NYC Breaking News

It really boggles my mind when I hear stories like this happen.  A man goes into a Carvel Store which I happen to love their icecream even though it is a bit overpriced,  with a free coupon for a icecream cone and it was expired is this an annoying experience sure is it's happened to me and most of us but I'd doubt I'd take it to these extremes.  He is annoyed by the clerk telling him it's expired and he has to pay $3.50 for the cone and honestly I think that is a rip off for a cone these days I paid $3.00 in manhattan last weekend from the mr softee truck in some supermarkets you can get a half gallon of ice cream on sale for that anyways he refuses to pay and the clerk instead of just calling her boss plus the police she decides to be a hero and follow him outside and he assaults her by punching her several times in the face injuring her.  The police eventually showed up and he resisted arrest and I have to wonder all of this drama over a freaking icecream cone seriously? I doubt Carvel was going to go bankrupt from $3.50 and if she saw this man was irrational she could've made an exception accepted the coupon and gotten rid of the lunatic and saved herself a lot of physical and mental pain yet I do understand her reasoning that it was expired but honestly you don't get paid enough to risk your life and safety over principle in my opinion.  He obviously has some issues that go way deeper than the icecream cone.  It just goes to show you that you never know what can happen in a day's work or what kind of kooks will stroll into any business.  He is where he needs to be right now in jail.

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