Tuesday, July 30, 2013

flawed healthcare system

Everyone has been at the doctor, urgent care, hospital, etc. at one point in their lives and there's nothing worse than when you're not feeling well to deal with more stupidity that you're not up to doing in the first place. The healthcare system in this country is a freaking joke and I don't even have faith that Obamacare is going to make it easier the more I hear about it it's doing more harm than good no one wants to comply and it's just one big clusterf*** of yet more guidelines, more bs, etc. I've never experienced such incompetence today dealing with the healthcare system as I did today starting with being placed on hold for an eternity as if we have the whole freaking day to be on hold, press this # that # how about an actual human being! Another one is the very rude and unprofessional and unaccommodating staff who run these doctor's offices I've said it's urgent i'm feeling very uncomfortable and all of it falls ON DEAF EARS no appointments available for one month maybe even more, or we don't take your insurance, I waited all day for a call back only to be told to come in tomorrow as if I could wait that long. Instead of what's wrong I get what insurance do you have or "we don't take same day appointments" or urgent care centers who take care of every part of the human body except gynecology yet it's supposed to be a one stop shop for busy people yeah right. Over the weekend I caught an infection and a bad reaction to an over the counter contraceptive and I've been extremely uncomfortable so much that I couldn't focusing on getting my work done too much today. After 7 phone calls to clinics near my area and offices here in the city I GOT NO WHERE. I called the company who makes this product only to be told it's a common reaction and to drink a bunch of water which doesn't do much good when urinating makes me feel like I'm pissing out fire. My doctor's office rather call in a prescription to the pharmacy than see you as an emergency (their next appointment August 24) how the heck do you know what to prescribe when you haven't even seen me??? that's pathetic medical care at best so I think this may be a reason to start shopping for a new gyn pratice but I find many practices are full of it. They overbook patients, not enough flexible hours or appointments it's a joke. Healthcare should be about the care and well being of patients but it's a business and the people who run things have lost focus on the patients and the care. Here I am at almost 4:00 still feeling miserable no prescription no appointment only to have to walk to the emergency room near my job after work b/c trying to get an appointment with a regular doctor's office is just like trying to see Mr. Obama himself and trying to get one who has a great bedside manner is another challenge my last visit to NYU ER I saw these residents they were a total joke. The one who saw me had a horrible bedside manner as I end this blog I'm not looking forward to going back to the same emergency room to wait for 3 hours hopefully much less to get treatment b/c no place else is willing to accommodate me yet insurance doesn't want to cover the visits at times, this system is a total flim flam and a joke. The only I hope to achieve at the end of today is have a diagnosis and a presciption to ease my sysmptoms and get better.

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