Sunday, July 14, 2013

Non guilty verdict

The whole country has awaited the verdict in the Travyon Martin case and as I saw the announcement come up not guilty and an intense of feeling anger but shock came over me when these 6 jurors decided that George Zimmerman was not guilty the last time I checked when you kill another human being you serve jail time but apparently the laws in Florida are very different from the rest of the country. Florida is a wonderful place to visit but I'd never live there b/c their laws are some of these most a** backwards and ridiculous I've ever heard of. You allow someone with NO FORMAL law enforcement training or any other kind of training to be a neighborhood watch person simply b/c the gun laws in Florida are so lax that pretty much anyone can go and apply for a license and have a gun. In my opinion that's a very scary thought that can have disastrous consequences and in these communities were racism is very rampant can have the worse outcome with that being said I am in total disbelief that this individual can literally get away with murdering a young African American 17 year old who was unarmed and does the worse thing shoot someone in the chest. I'm not saying he was angel no teenagers are at that age but how can a harmless trip to the store to buy candy result in murder. I'm wondering what was going through this idiot's mind when he saw him hmm black youth with a hoody instant criminal if that were the case they'd have to shoot up the entire northeast and any other urban neighborhood who wear hoodies. A hoody doesn't make someone a criminal their behavior does. Suppose there was a curfew as they are in many states this young man wasn't doing anything criminal. This man was in a car and had a gun, if he felt he was in so much danger he had the upper hand to speed away and call police and let them handle it but he calls 911 and ignores the 911 operator's instructions and pursues him most gets into a physical altercation and then shoots him in the back for what the world will never know b/c he chose not to take the stand. This is a gross miscarriage of justice this man needs to be in jail he took Trayvon Martin away from his family way too soon his parents will never have the chance to see him grow up and live his life and to lose a child they say a pain that never really goes away. He may not have gotten convicted of any crime in the legal system but in the court of public opinion he will always be guilty and he's marked for life b/c of a split decision he chose to make that changed his life and the life of the Martin family forever. I hope the Martin family will find peace to go on with their lives and his brother's speech in my opinion was a half baked attempt to do damage control for his brother's ridiculously stupid actions. I saw the way he smiled when the verdict was read and I found it to be so disturbing you killed another human being and you got off. Not guilty means they either couldn't prove it or the police and lawyers have a great way of presenting cases so people see their version not the actual truth doesn't mean you didn't do it. I have no respect for this man and he has to live with the fact that he took someone else's life for the rest of his life. I sometimes think they should've had a change of venue for this case perhaps maybe it would've made a difference but based on how I've seen the Florida justice system handle this case, the casey Anthony case, and many others I doubt it very much.

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