Thursday, December 26, 2013

post christmas

It's the day after Christmas and I should be in my warm bed and sleeping in but I'm at work with the skeleton crew staff for after the holiday. I missed the deadline to take off but I'm making sure I'm not missing it again next year. It was very hard for me to get out of bed this morning into the shower and out the front door both of us. It was a quiet Christmas like I anticipated it to be. I've been going through alot and my significant other was alone for the second year in a row because his father flew out of state to visit his sister and the rest of his family is out of state. No one should spend the holidays alone and it makes me angry that no one thought of him not even his own father to see if maybe they could help him out with airline tickets, nothing but people are quick to complain why you don't see them often enough I've experienced this and sometimes money has a lot to do with it airline travel isn't what it once was and neither is the cost. I know nothing about the west coast but from what I see the tickets are very expensive. I saw him cry and it broke my heart to see him hurting I tried to make it a good holiday but nothing takes the place of family. My brother showed up on Christmas Eve and I felt tired that day because I had to work you'd think they'd people go home early that day nope not this place. On Christmas Eve I went to pick up the food I'd ordered and it was good food but would I order food again probably not. I'd rather make my own to be honest with you. Christmas Eve he made a lasagna I will give him an A for effort but it didn't come out right while it didn't taste bad it was too much sauce or meat we all ate but he felt bad I said don't feel bad I've done my fair share of bombs in the kitchen many failed attempts at arroz con pollo, pork chops that were like hockey pucks, a cake from scratch that was a stale mess raw on the inside everyone messes up something no one is perfect the important thing that we were together. My son went with his father for Christmas Eve and this is the part of divorce that's never easy splitting the holidays but since this was the first time he'd gotten both holidays off I let him go for Christmas Eve he came home after 3 and I can sense the akwardness I said Merry Christmas to him we opened gifts my son was very happy when he saw the Nintendo Box but still asked where the PS Vita was these kids lol. I told him Santa ran out of them. After he opened his gifts I saw he quickly left and I can see the sadness for a moment there I also felt it too but I tried to focus on my son and his happiness with xmas and serving dinner. Besides the food I made coconut flan for dessert everyone else loved it but me I'm my own worse critic still trying to perfect the recipe. After eating I felt extremely tired almost falling asleep but I'm relieved that the holidays are over I'm hoping that next year the emotional financial situations are better and we are all in better spirits because this year has been a rough one and I am looking forward to a brand new year and a fresh start,.

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