Tuesday, November 29, 2011

another fun ride

It was a very boring day at work today to the point that not even my music or the web helped. I went to return my last pair of jeans and got some other stuff since I've lost weight shopping has become fun again now I'm on the dreaded 7 train and its packed with the usual aholes who slam their way into a train or seat I'm a glutton for punishment I either like this zumba instructor a lot or I'm dedicated to working out or just plain stupid I really wish astoria would change back to their old schedule so I can go back less congested and less crowded. Have another appt so I will be leaving class early again I hope to get a good spot tonight I'm hoping when I return home he will have nothing to say b/c I'm honestly not in the mood to hear it. Well off to zumba and forget about everything and relax
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