Wednesday, November 16, 2011

under the covers wednesday

Ever have one of those days where you just don't feel like doing much? or everything is going wrong? Well today started off like that. I had zero motivation and I winded up missing my earlier bus plus two connecting buses I just felt like walking home and going back to bed and the slow speed of the trains doesn't help. What made me even later was that the park entrances have been closed due to Occupy Wall Street (OWS) coming to Foley Square while I get their plight go home already I as well as other New yorkers are in a rush to get to work on time. Yesterday was a busy day here as we were given the go ahead to start moving back into our original space what was going to be a few weeks in a temp space turned into 5 months but that's the city speed of working not actual time. If there is one thing I hate more it's moving whether it's office moving or moving to another apartment. It's when you realize how much crap you accumulate in your drawers or b/c you have so much crap you start finding things that you couldn't find for months and seem brand new all of a sudden. I cleaned out my desk and shredded and I'm sure I'm going to have more shredding and organizing to do once my box gets up stairs. I cleaned my old spot before I left which is something most people don't do at least I'm considerate in that way. When we arrived downstairs we had our work cut out for us the spaces were a mess and I wondered how can people work under these filthy conditions I had to spray my spot 3 times just sanitize and clean alcohol on the phones, etc. Cleaned up here as well. I haven't been feeling well since yesterday he told me not to go to my usual gym which pissed me off b/c I like that class but I didn't want to argue with him so I did but our agreement was he'd meet me half way when I was done but this one likes to change things and make them up as he goes along another one of our many issues. B/c of how I felt I really wasn't into class last night I probably should've just went home. I got home and my step father had made dinner for which I'm eternally grateful b/c I sure didn't have the energy to do it. I took left overs for today's lunch and I printed out a whole bunch of recipes off the internet to inspire myself to stop being lazy and cook during the week. We'll see if I follow through b/c take out can get expensive even if I try to keep it cheap like I usually do nothing like food made at home. He also saw the apt across the hall and he liked it and most likely they're going to take it and you can't get any closer than right across the hall from each other but it kind of complicates things if I want to have "company" eventually LOL so I may decide to move once things settle down and I have the money and time to look for a place. I will still remain in the neighborhood b/c I do like the area for it's conveniences. This year has been hard and I'm not exactly in the holiday spirit this year due to all of changes I've been going through and continuing to go through. I'm usually very into thanksgiving and xmas but for the past few years I haven't even put up a tree since I've gone down to FL for xmas in the past but this year I will be at home and my mother is asking me if I'm putting up a tree and honestly I don't feel like it but I will do some decorating even if it's just lights on the windows. I think Mr. Woodside (won't use anyone's real name) is coming around he msg me last night but I was knocked out due to being exhausted but our conversations are always good but he's jaded too I can't blame him so am I so I suggested that we meet just as friends this way there are no expectations. When you say "date" there are expectations and nerves kick in, etc. or as someone put on their date site this is my online date resume. It's almost like a job interview if you think about it b/c we're all looking for a certain look, personality, even some go as far as a certain income and an educational background. No expectations in my opinion is best if something happens great if not it will be just another hang out partner which is great the more friends the better. I can always use some distraction from the daily life routine/stress. I'm in deseprate need of a vacation and this year I want to go someplace different other than Florida while Florida is great and there are many parts to see I want to go somewhere where I've never been like California or any other state it would be a great experience. Well it's past 9 and it's time to finish getting settled back into my spot I sure hope I feel better at the end of the day

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