Wednesday, November 30, 2011

windy wednesday

Last night I had a great work out but it always seems when I'm going to work out it's always raining hard and windy outside which doesn't do much for your umbrella especially if it's a cheap one. When I'm walking in the street I see the public trash cans full of those cheap umbrellas or lot of them broken. I went to my appt last night and I haven't gained or lost weigh and while I'm glad I haven't gained any weight I'm kind of disappointed I haven't lost any more weight but a part of it is my fault b/c I have to start making better diet choices and resist sweets which is very hard for me to do. I'm even considering joining weight watchers even though I really can't afford it. After a tiring day I had no problem falling asleep last night and I woke up early before 5 to be exact so I'm sure I will be feeling it tonight. Tonight is our counseling visit and he's expressed that he wants to stop going and I think eventually I do too while they both encourage that it's a good thing for us it's also an inconvenience and an additional expense to leave jr at the sitter while we are there so I think down the road we will stop going so I can free up my wednesdays again. Today was a very cold windy morning thank goodness I put jr coat on and put on my jacket and I was hoping what I hope everyday to be on time I get into the city and the Dunkin donuts has no hot chocolate only mint chocolate so I had to walk around the block to the next one making me 5 minutes late unreal I mean seriously it's the city morning rush they should make sure that they have enough supplies for the customers. My stepfather finally went on the road last night and made it to FL before 2pm which is excellent timing and they should be on the road by tomorrow or friday. I'm anxious to see my mother my brother again and the cats. I'm sure it's going to be a hectic few days while they get settled it's going to be an adjustment process but I will be glad to have her back again. I decided to pull the plug on the other dating site I was on b/c honestly I lost my patience and interest in the person I was talking to after not getting a response to my question or any indications of us mtg up or a text msg I decided to disable my account b/c as I said in my previous entry I'm way too old to be playing games like this leave this type of crap for teenagers I'm sure he is a nice guy but like the first they have a lot of issues b/c of bad break ups and while I understand the pain and trauma this can have on a person if you don't put yourself out there you will never know and if you just want a friend to talk to you just say that and don't waste a person's time so next in line please. I received a message from a guy on my other site and he seems like a very nice respectable guy and we have a lot in common and he's cute so I'm crossing my fingers things will lead to at least a meeting and just take things slowly. It's fun chatting with someone who actually shows interest in you. I haven't felt happy in a long time and I look forward to feeling that way again provided it is the right person. The only thing that kind of scared me is he has a pit bull and I'm not really fond of dogs especially that breed but he says she's a good girl well I sure hope so so if we ever do meet I don't have my hand torn off. Lunch time I had my lean cuisine healthy pizza and went for my walk couldn't find my $5 headphones so I had to spend $8 on maxell phones well it's better than nothing it's simply tortorous not being to listen to music while getting work done at my desk or tuning out the commuter noise. Well the 3:00 stretch has arrived I look forward to the week end to get some much needed rest and prepare for their arrival this weekend.

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