Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon Tragedy

The NY Marathon went off without anything happening sadly the Boston Marathon particpants and spectators weren't so lucky. Bombs went off killing 3 people and injuring many more. One of the casualties was an 8 yr old boy who was trying to get the message of peace across my heart goes out to his family and the many others who are hurt some will heal others have life time injuries that will not. People think that an incident like 9/11 can't happen again well no one should have that false sense of security because it sure can happen. Would we better prepared for it than back in 2001 yes but it doesn't mean that we wouldn't have a battle ahead of us. This marathon was on a nice sunny day and no one imagined what these group of cowards had planned that day to inflict bombing and cause all of this pain and suffering. Your group whom ever you are a bunch of cowards you think that by doing this you're going to scare people and make them prisioners in their own home so we can't continue on with our daily lives. You're such a bunch of cowards you haven't even claimed responsiblity for your evil actions but with the efforts of our gov't we will found out who you are and make you pay for what you did to the city of Boston and it's people. I work in lower manhattan and I am constantly reminded of 9/11 and what the old world trade center looked like I used to sit there and eat a hotdog from the truck on a nice spring or summer day or go browse the shopping concourse. Do I think they should've rebuilded there nope. I think they should've kept it a memorial place but they're rebuilding and just as high which to me is a death trap especially when having to evacuate in case of an fire or attacks. When I get on the train every morning I say an internal prayer that I will get into the city safe and sound and back home the same. I went off topic here but I'm very sad and angry that this tragedy had to occur like this. It proves to us that there is so sense of safeness anymore and every major event will need top notch security police and military depending on the event but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Prayers to all the families and the city of Boston

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