Monday, April 22, 2013

weekend routine

This weekend was like most cleaning organizing running errands and doing laundry. I don't know anyone who likes to do laundry or even more when you live in a urban city like NYC and have to go to the laundromat outside dragging a cart down a flight of stairs isn't easy it's gotten to the point that I don't even stay to dry anymore b/c I really don't feel like spending 2 or 3 hours in a laundromat especially on a sunday when it's crowded so I dropped off my towels sheets etc. in drop off service one less thing for me to do. Yesterday I went to myrtle avenue as I usually do with jr on the weekends to take him for lunch and it seems like there's always some drama going on at this mcdonald's either it's very crowded the line for bathroom is too long and they're always out of something yesterday a women comes in with a fake $20 bill and is furious b/c they won't give her money back and accused the cashier of trying to pocket it @@ what would she want with a fake $20 I'd take it back to the bank or check cashing place but once you give to a merchant or store they confiscate it. After eating I went to deal$ with my son to pick up a few things I should own stock in the company I go there so much. After the store we walked back toward the neighborhood and I let my son run around and play in the park while I sit and relax but my eyes are always looking to see what he's up to and sadly b/c he's on the autism spectrum there are many people who don't understand and aren't very nice to him and that gets me very angry at times. He likes to play with kids but sometimes kids don't want to play with him and he doesn't understand. Yesterday I saw this kid push my son and I felt like getting up and slamming him right into the monkey bars yes I know it's an extreme reaction but I'm very overprotective of my son b/c of his condition. I didn't of course but I yelled across the park " Don't even think about pushing him". Which makes me think where are the parents of these children? They come to the park and they're not even paying attention to what their kids are doing. I would never allow my son to push another child not only b/c it's wrong but b/c I don't want to get into any confrontations with other parents who'd be understandbly upset. I then told him it's time to go home time is up as I usually set my cell phone alarm to alert him it's time to go home. I think he needed to get away from that situation and I had dinner and laundry waiting to be hanged up. I came home relaxed a little read my cook book to get more ideas for the weekly dinner and eventually I started cooking dinner. I made steak and onions and it came out pretty good I just should've done it over night it usually tastes better as it marinates longer it takes a few tries to really perfect a recipe at times. On thursday I reapplied for rental assistance once again bad is when you already know the routine at these places hoping that I will be approved this time. I thought I'd be there all day but I wasn't there that long and I was able to work a half day. After we ate I sure didn't feel like doing the dishes so there they stayed I'll get to them today. I've gotten to the point where I've cut back I don't mop my entire apartment in one day like I used to I mop every other week only thing I do weekly is clean kitchen bathrooms mop them change sheets and laundry. I gave jr his bath put him to bed and made sure he stood sleeping in his bed and he actually did I'm really trying to ween him off staying in my bed and many a time I've had to carry him to bed and he's heavy 41 lbs to be exact. I winded up falling asleep on the couch and forgot to see my alarm so we rushed out the house and missed the first bus. I also missed my connecting bus but it's monday and I wasn't going to stress myself out got my morning coffee which I desperately needed hazenut dunkin donuts to get myself awake and going. I still managed to make it to work on time today is the pot luck at work and I'm not even participating with everything I had to do I forgot so i guess there's always next yr or another occassion. After giving it some thought I decided to end contact with the guy I was talking to for a while from out of state I just got tired of always being the one to initiate contact. It's sad b/c I really liked him and I really thought we could've had something good but I'm not going to be chasing anyone. I understood he had been sick but everytime I've called I get a busy signal or I'm sent to voicemail. Two times I've been on fb chat and he's signed off when I IM him so that was the last straw for me, that's just plain rude so I'm done. If I ever do hear from him I will just say hello but I doubt it. This is why I don't think I can do the long distance thing b/c I admit I can be an attention whore and can be jealous not to the extent of fatal attraction but I acknoweledge my traits so this wouldn't work for me. I decided to reopen my zoosk account after months of it being closed but it's simply just to look and browse only right now I'm just focusing on jr myself and my move which by the looks of things I've still been looking for a place in NY here in the same area or another but still nothing under 1300-1400 a month which I think is high way robbery b/c some of these apartments are in desperate need of renovation and modernization so moving to New Jersey is still an option. Well it's monday another work week begins but at least it's pay week I will treat myself this week to a much needed pedicure and trim on my hair.

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