Wednesday, April 17, 2013

daily routine and the road ahead

Lately it's been work pay bills come home change into pjs food homework cartoons bath stories bed. I watch tv for a little while but most of the time I wind up dozing off on the couch. As soon as I think I've paid all the bills and I'm up to date before I know I see them right away again in my mailbox or have a friendly text reminder which can be annoying at times. Yes I know I owe it, just don't have it at the moment. I'm thinking of getting rid of my house and internet service I switched to Clear internet and Verizon phone service is costing too much money and their billing department are a bunch of incompetent morons. Too many taxes fees and surchages so this so called discount bundle you're paying for winds up to be one big rip off. I've been debating whether to stay living here in NY or move to New Jersey b/c I'm really having a hard time affording this apartment but I also don't know what school program my son will be accepted into September so the search continues. Yesterday I got the official divorce judgement so it is official I'm divorced and I can change my married name back to my maiden name if I choose to. The chapter is officially closed and I can get on with my life. It seems like everything was getting in the way of this document showing up but when I read it I couldn't believe what a sloppy piece of paper it was and I couldn't believe this is what took almost 2 yrs to draft the NYC court system should be ashamed of themselves. On another note I received some bad news yet again this case worker from social services rejected my case again and I don't even understand why I submitted all my paperwork complied with all I'm just fed up with the incompetence of social workers and the bureaucracy that exists in NYC social service system. I've lost days over all of this crap and b/c of it I pretty much will go through summer 2013 without a break or vacation which is so unfair to me b/c I've hadn't a vacation since 2011 I could sure use one. I'm mentally and emotionally drained at this point so I must gather up all of my paperwork again and reapply for services for If I am rejected I am just going to apply for a fair hearing and have a judge review my case I'm thinking maybe I should've done this all along it would've saved me a whole lot of leg work and aggravation. I have to ask myself if things will eventually start looking up for me instead of the stress and aggravation I have right now there never seems to be enough to cover all expenses and I've given up on the gym for now b/c all I have no time especially now that my son goes to the babysitter I have to pick him up by a certain time and forget the weekends unless it's a free weekend which most times I sleep in and relax. Next month will be my mother's birthday and my grandfather's birthday he will be 80 yrs old this year and they're doing a celebration for him in FL but sadly I will not be able to attend b/c of time used up dealing with a broken system and finances are tied away for moving expenses it's sad b/c this is a milestone we should've all been able to be around to celebrate. I will send him a nice card and I was thinking of getting a nice plaque made we will see what I can come up with. Jr graduation package came last week and his graduation will be on June 7th. It's been a long road but he has come a long way and improved a lot. He has made a lot of friends too it will be nice to see him graduate and for all of the students to put on a show for us. He is looking forward to starting kindergarten in september and I look forward to seeing him progress and go even further. Time flies by so fast it seemed like yesterday he was a baby then 2.5 starting the pre-school and now graduating from there. Time flies and waits for no one. Tomorrow I will try one last time to reapply for services and hope I get approved or I will have to request a hearing and get an attorney.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your baby graduating! Time sure does fly. I can't wait till you can go on a vacation and relax. Maybe you can come to CA a few days! lol
