Tuesday, August 10, 2010

jet blue flight attendant gone wild

You look at the news everyday and it makes you think about why some people do the things they do? Could it be that they're going through a lot of stress in their lives, financial problems, family issues, an illness? In a city like New York you see so many people everyday walking the streets most of us are in a rush to get to work, school, etc. and you really don't think about the person next to you on the train, bus, at work. You don't think about what a person has in their mind or what they may be going through in their lives. Take this Jet Blue flight attendant for example, this guy has been a flight attendant for over 20+ years and he probably is a nice decent man who dedicated his life to serving customers but for only one incident he will be remembered for going off on a customer and leaving through an escape hatch, while some people may find it amusing, it really isn't. What was it going to cost that passenger to apologize to the attendant? nothing she should've sit her butt down and waited for the plane to finish parking at the gate like everyone else! Being a traveler myself people like annoy the **** out of me sit your *** down what's so important in that bag that you can't wait! What if she had hit a passenger in the head or face and said the same thing, I can guarantee she would've gotten cursed out or a punch in the face lol. I just find it ridiculous that she wasn't disciplined in anyway. People these days are self-centered have a sense of entitlement and no manners if it doesn't concern them or anyone else close to them they don't care. There is no respect consideration for other people or accountability. While I realize that they must try to maintain professionalism at all times, I sympathize with this man because he was under a lot of stress having a loved one who is terminally ill is not an easy thing to go through and maybe the fact that this passenger was so rude to him just set him off and he reacted in an extreme way. This should be a lesson to people you never know what someone is going through, what kind of day they're having so be careful before you open your mouth or do something that's going to get you in trouble and treat people like you would want to be treated. There are some people who are very resilient and don't crack under stress or pressure or just hide it very well and some people aren't and they either go bonkers like this guy did or go into a deep depression,. I feel sorry for this guy and while he may be facing charges and be jobless b/c I'm sure Jet Blue doesn't want this type of bad publicity I really hope he gets some professional help and pray for his mother that is ill. I realize that i'm a very diplomatic and compassionate person that not everyone possesses these traits and it's very sad but this incident and many others are harsh reality of the very fast paced, automated, self-centered, self-indulgent, world we live in these days. I welcome everyone's feedback.


  1. OMG I haven't even heard of the incident. Looking it up now lol...

  2. I think everyone has a line and when that line is crossed all hell breaks lose! And that lady crossed the line when she hit him. We still act out on our instincts, I have found myself just snapping with the whole fuck the world mentality at times of extreme stress. I honestly think I would've snatched the bag out of her hands and smacked her right back with that shit!

  3. @ O I totally agree with you some people just don't get it. LOL @ F* the world mentality. She should've been disciplined for getting up and yeah I probably would've cursed her out and hit her with the bag too.
