Monday, August 30, 2010

Katrina 5 yrs later

Looking at the news I see so many things go on lately the wtc mosque controversy, oil crisis, and the 5 yr anniversary of the Hurricane Katrina. I can't believe it's already been 5 years since Katrina. I've never seen such governmental incompetence on the federal and city level with this disaster. The sad part is the mayor knew of the the threat and everyone official knew and did nothing to warn the people or evacuate them so they'd be spared from this disaster and after it occured FEMA reacted miserably, the mayor talking all of this smack, and everyone's playing the blame game but no aid was coming fast enough to help these poor people. I'm not one who likes to pull the race card but I'm sure that had plenty to do with why everything went down the way it did and because Lower Ninth Ward is a poor community. Louisiana is not a rich place to begin with I had a former coworker/friend who moved over there before Katrina and the average person there makes between 8 to $10 an hour and it's tough economically so many of the industries suffered due to Katrina and many people had to flee to other places to try and start over which is tough when all you know is your home state . It is dispicable that the poorer communities always get the raw end of the stick. These were people regardless race of ecomonic status who needed help, compassion, and guidance. Sticking these poor people in a stadium with such horribly unsanitary conditions, a lot of crime happened as well such a sad preventable tragedy which what pisses me off preventable yet no one wants to be accountable. I've heard that a lot of the trailers that housed some of the victims were made with products that are potentially hazardous such as formaldehyde, etc. that could cause health problem as if these people haven't suffered enough and the wave of incompetence just keeps rearing it's ugly head. 5 yrs later and while some rebuilding has happened, you could still see the devastation and lack of progress to add insult to injury a lot of insurance companies have raised their rates for home, flood, and disaster insurance and some don't even cover everything b/c they say companies paid over 40 billion when it originally happened that's ridiculous in my opinion, why continue to kick people while their down? Like anyone can afford to pay anymore and to get less service in return. Some people live check to check especially these days and depending on the cost of living where you live and how much you earn you simply may not have any disposable income to save or put toward insurance premiums. Sometimes life is just not fair and situations can arise when we least expect and in are no position to deal. I find it to be dispicable that the US couldn't even take care of it's own yet we have no problem organizing relief & humanitarian efforts, benefit concerts, etc. to help people in other countries and some of them don't even like the US. Being a state in the gulf coast they're also being affected by the BP disaster another bunch of incompetents who've destroyed our natural resources, wild life, and tourism industries for states who most of their economy comes from tourism way to go BP! But that will be in another blog posting. I'm glad the president came down on them hard for their incompetence but that's another slow work in progress. On that note my lunch is over back to the grind.

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