Sunday, September 12, 2010

9/11 9 yrs later

Yesterday was 9/11 and I can't believe that it's been 9 years since it happened.  I wasn't living in NY at the time when it happened and in a way I'm glad I wasn't here b/c it was mass chaos from what I saw on CNN in Florida at the time and from what I heard from people and former coworkers.   I'm grateful that I didn't lose anyone but my condolences go out to the victims and their families who will eternally mourn the loss of their loved ones.  I remember my former coworkers telling me how it took 3 and 4 hours to get home from work and they were expected to be business as usual at the office wtf! are you kidding? A bunch of terrorists just attacked the lower half of Manhattan and you expected people to be "business as usual" no way! That was the talk of a shrewd money hungry person that's corporate america greed for you another reason greed is why this economy and country are in such a sad state of affairs but that's another blog posting in itself.   Had I been here I would have thanked the lord for saving my life and of my family but I would've been HOME the city was in immense danger and 9 years later I still think we are the only difference is that we're a lot better prepared now should something happen which I hope it never will.  I think about why it happened?  If our president at the time knew of these so called weapons of mass destruction how come more wasn't done to protect the American people.  I think the 1993 bombing should have been a wake up to beef up security in that area like crazy but they didn't take precautions and 9/11 was the end result.    It hurt me so bad to see people jumping to their deaths rather than perishing it almost seemed like a scene out a movie but it was real life happening right before our eyes.  All because of a bunch of religious extremists who felt the need to take out their aggressions out on a city of innocent people who were average working people trying to support their families and live life this big city of ours.   When I saw ground zero for the first time when I return to New York I burst into tears and cried for a few minutes I couldn't believe what I saw in front of me.  The WTC was nothing but a big empty space and mangled metal, etc. it was nothing like the WTC I remembered and will never be again.  I remember when I was going to school in the area in the late 90's how different things were. The shopping concourses of WTC how I would go to borders books and read there for hours and sometimes I'd actually buy a book or two or how I would just browse and buy a hot dog from the vendor in front of 5 World Trade.  I remember so much about the area the Conway, the office supplies store where i'd go get something for school, I'd meet my mother after work at her job at the time so many memories gone.   Now lower Manhattan is nothing like it used to be back in the day it's become commercialized, very expensive, and too many yuppies are in the area so the average person can't really do much there.  I call it yuppie land b/c that's what it caters to now.  Conway is now gone luxury apartments, chiptole grill btw crappiest most overpriced chopped up crap I've ever had I wouldn't pay $1 for it ever again, the office store gone,  Five Guys Burgers & Fries, Starbucks, and many other high priced joints. You have some good stores left but only a handful.  The rebuilding of WTC has been a very slow work in progress and in my opinion the developer is full of baloney he's been dragging his feet for years and it seems like nothing has been happening in the area nothing but a bunch of metal, mess, dirt, etc.  I work in the area so I'm faced with the after effects of 9/11 everyday like it or not.  It took me a while not to be afraid to work around there but I pray everyday that I arrive safe to work everyday and to home the same way.  This developer realized that he would never realize his dream without the port authority since they're also supposed to build a new transit center as well.   I only saw the progress b/c of the news reports b/c I try to stay away from the actual ground zero sight even after all these years past I really don't like to see up and close and personal.   Yesterday should have been dedicated to the victims their families and to our city but of course what was going on massive rallies about the WTC mosque proposal near Park 51. I work in the area and in my opinion I think that this developer is an idiot.  I think that he just wants to prove a point and for him to say that it's not next to ground zero is a load of BS b/c it's very close I checked it out myself.  I disagree with the mayor which I've never liked to begin and the other government officials.  I just don't get why people are making this into a race issue when it's clearly not well I speak for myself when I say that maybe for some it is and feel sorry for them.   Religious freedom is protected by our Constitution I understand that but why near ground zero? There is a mosque in that area but of course the media doesn't mention that b/c they're just as guilty in stirring up controversy.  Where is the respect for the people of NYC, the people who lost their lives and their families?  You have people who bravely went into the debris, rubble and smoke  to save people and some have health issues due to this and the city and Albany have turned their backs on them. I think it's very disrespectful and insensitive to the people of this city.    I also fear for my safety and millions of other new yorkers how do they know that terrorists and militant groups aren't funding it or won't go there to case the buildings and plan on something else?  I just heard in the news that one of the funders had a tie to a militant group and I hope it's not true but that scares the crap out of me b/c I work near ground zero so you'd better believe I wanted them investigated to make sure no illegal, dangerous activity is being done.  If this developer is so headstrong about building there than he shouldn't have a problem being investigated if he has nothing to hide.   Each political group is taking this issue as a scape goat which has also made me question which political party I side with? I vote Democrat but I don't always agree with everyone or like all the candidates, I was thinking of switching to Independent but I don't really know much about them to say if I'd agree with them very confusing indeed. Politics in itself is very dirty and most are full of it no matter what side they're on they promise the sun moon stars and the world till they get into office.   I see the shape that this country is in economically, globally, and its very scary indeed.   I hope that they can come to a resolution to this issue b/c this is going to have disastrous consequences if a meeting of the minds doesn't occur if not another location a multiple faith complex where all faiths can worship and praise their faiths.   The Florida pastor who wanted to burn the quaran to me should be ashamed to even call him self a pastor.  What real clergy member would suggest something so disrespectful and evil? Book burning in itself is despicable.  Most clergy would want to encourage peace and a peaceful resolution.  I may not be familiar or understand the Islamic culture and religion but their entitled to live their lives and practice their faith and I would never suggest the destruction of any religious book, statue, church, etc.  A real pastor wouldn't encourage blasphemy and that's exactly what that is.   He didn't think of the consequences of burning the book would have? I can assure there'd be one angry group of people out there and rightfully so and he didn't think about retaliation toward his church his members or even his own family? I think it's ridiculous.   He had no business coming to NY and I think he should keep his mouth shut and stay in Gainesville where he belongs.  I think we have our own extremists right here in our own backyard and people like that are very dangerous they take religion and use a verse of the scriptures or a even a certain book and interpret it for what they want it not what it actually means.  I think this is why I was never really attracted to religion b/c of all the controversy it causes.  I know we should go to church to worship seek mental clarity etc. but I've also see a lot of hypocrisy in the church especially the members they think b/c they're stuck in church every Sunday that makes them a good person and it doesn't it takes a lot more than that.  I just don't like that holier than thou attitude, we're all sinners and far from perfect it's just been my experience that the biggest hypocrites are in church and usually live in the tallest glass houses.   I went off topic here but I hope to one day see a newly rebuilt WTC that one day I may be able to take my son and show him a part of history of what once was.  To the families of 9/11 you will never be forgotten we will never forget that day.  Look to the lord for comfort and peace to guide you through.

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