Thursday, September 23, 2010

tgif tomorrow

Today is finally thursday seems like this week has dragged on and I'm so glad it's friday tomorrow.  I'm very tired from the commuting back and forth and today while there was some work to do it was very slow and me being tired doesn't help me feeling lazy and sort of bored.  Within the next few weeks there will be two baby showers at the office and I was looking at some gift ideas on and I have to say that it brought memories back when I was pregnant with my son I'd go to the store and see all of these adorable little clothes, blankets, etc.  when I went online today to look at a few outfits I saw so many cute things for a few seconds it made me want to have another lol but I quickly came back to my senses.  I'm sure they're going to a wonderful shower for this individual and I want to get something nice what I've tried to advise is a lot of things that they advertise on these baby registries you really don't need.  What you really need are the basics and this will vary depending on the time of year your baby is born.  Blankets, t shirts, one piece suits and onesies bottles diapers, crib, bottles, good stroller and a carseat.  I can tell one of them is becoming tired as you turn in the last few months of pregnancy you're tired, everything seems to give you heart burn and trying to sleep at night becomes very difficult and commuting on the subways is no picnic.  It was a mix of nervousness and excitement at the same time and it seems like time has flown by so fast b/c my son will be 2 yrs old in November and it seems like time has passed by so fast it seems like just yesterday that he was coming home from the hospital.  Today he bit again, the same child, we try to be patient but it's not easy and I found out the child had two bruises which made me feel bad but I'm told this is a stage that toddlers go through and while that may be I also know how some parents are and maybe they'll only be understanding to a point and eventually the daycare will tell me not to bring him back which is my biggest fear as I mentioned in my mobile blog b/c it's very hard to find an affordable daycare provider these days and forget about affordable pre schools.  We do tell him not to bite in a stern voice but I've been told by my mother who was a teacher in a daycare that this is something they grow out of well I sure hope it's soon b/c it's stressful and I'm always thinking i'm going to get a call or when I pick him up they will tell us its his last day b/c she obviously doesn't want to lose any children b/c of the biting situation and I can't say I blame her I try to reverse the situation and think what if it was my child being bit I'd probably get mad after a while too and wonder why the child is still there or if this provider was even properly supervising the kids which does to come to mind sometimes I know she told the parents again and mentioned my son's name again this is something that's a strict no no in some places b/c there are parents that will confront others and the situation will get ugly very fast.  In many situations the parents are worse than the kids at the end of the day kids will be kids but some "adults" forget they're the adults.  On my way home today I was actually suprised the J train came fast but got full fast so I was glad my other train was waiting right across so I can sit down and relax.  I go in and see this person who rudely tries to squeeze into this narrow space between two customers and I was like wth is wrong with ppl this what I mean by rude and selfish you obviously don't fit there the lady was annoyed and the guy too and she made a comment along the lines of I know it's hard for u to move boy she's lucky she didn't tell me that b/c I would've said no it's hard for u to see that you don't fit here yet you insist on squeezing in between us. I wont' be squished I will just get up and move I've done it in the past.  I then breathe and the guy next to me smells I'm like darn what is it with me do I have the worst luck or what!!! Not sure if it was him or the hoody he had on either way I couldn't wait for him to get off the train lol.  I think they need to pass out free samples of soap, deodorant, mouthwash, etc.  I hope I have better luck tomorrow on my ride to and from work.  Tomorrow is Friday my favorite day of the week and it's supposed to be 88 degrees kind of weird went Fall is supposed to start soon I guess this is our last dose of summer weather hope it will be a dry 88 degrees and not a humid one.  Well it's after 10 and time for me to get to bed or I will not get up in time tomorrow. 

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