Saturday, September 11, 2010

nothing stays the same...

It's been a while since I've blogged on here since I started mobile blogging.  With my hectic schedule I usually have no time for the computer once I get home I'm usually busy with the baby or something else or I'm too tired. I like mobile blogging better b/c easily accessible through my cell phone and I can blog while I'm on the go or while I'm at work and my blogs are kept private something I don't have at work.  I was happy to see Friday it didn't even seem like we had Monday off this past week we don't have another long weekend until next month I look forward to them especially I get an extra day off and on rare occasions sleep in.   I like the cooler weather even though today it seemed much warmer than yesterday.   Yesterday I felt like taking a walk it was sunny day with a nice breeze so I went down to au bon pain b/c I love their soups and pastries but that's in once in a while rare treat b/c while they're excellent it's also very expensive.  I go in and much to my surprise they have the soups out in the center of the place in big metal pots with ladles and I thought what the heck is this! I sure wasn't expecting this b/c I'm not good with serving soup to myself I tried it a deli and burned myself and considering that it's kind of expensive I figured I'd get the same white glove service lol I guess not I sure wish I knew who's bright idea it was to make it self service so I can tell them off I'm kidding let's just say it took me a while and someone wanted chicken soup too and looked annoyed but hey I was traumatized and I sure as heck didn't want to get burned again.  I've noticed this pattern at a lot of places the self service option seems like not only are they implementing more self service in a lot of places what you're getting isn't the same quality either.  I think customer service and interaction isn't important anymore seems like with everything we pay more to get less, less quantity, less quality, and more attitude.  What pissed me off though was when I get to work it seemed like I had more broth and vegetables than noodles but I'm sure had I not been such a chicken to serve myself or had I been served in the first place like before lol I probably would've gotten a better bowl well better luck next time.  I also treated myself to their apple streudel which is excellent the pasty is flaky and has a crunch and the apple filling is wonderful now I'm getting myself hungry again.  I plan to try the cheese cake filled croissant next.  Today my day consisted of the usual getting woke up by my son early and he's revved up like the energizer bunny to watch Disney channel make breakfast clean this house and by mid morning I'm exhausted ready for a nap myself.  We did our grocery shopping today at Pathmark and while we were driving down there I couldn't believe the a-holes we encountered on the road.  Some ppl just can't drive.  While on our way down this car almost hits us these two idiots my husband yelled and she still kept going almost hitting us I was so mad b/c the baby was in the back seat if anything would've happened to my son I would've beat the hell out of her stupid overstuffed ass!  They looked as if they did nothing wrong which made me want to strangle even more but I realize that trash isn't worth it even if you think are you're right.  While I know where I live is okay not perfect I notice the decline in the old neighborhood as I was passing the streets going to Pathmark you can see the quality of people is not the same a lot of the old places I remember are gone like the old Carvel on Rockaway blvd, Mr. G's pizza maybe he saw the same decline I've been seeing and decided to move on I can't say I blame him I sure wouldn't want to run a business where the majority of my customers are a bunch of rude low class self-entitled jerks.  I miss it though b/c I as well as many others had been going there for years.  Another good chinese restaurant Hei Lok on 101 Ave has different owners now too, prices changed and the food isn't the same quality I once knew everything changes and sadly not always for the better.  I'm kind of glad I didn't get an apartment in that area b/c I'm sure I wouldn't have stood there long.   While I know where I live isn't perfect but it's relatively quiet and yes there are some morons and undesirables it's something that's not out of control.  I decided after I moved from my old neighborhood I'm not going to settle for being stuck some place where I'm not happy.  I never really liked Yonkers.  I assimilated into living in Westchester but I never felt really comfortable with it.  I lived in an area where it was considered ghetto and it's sad because not everyone who lives in an area is ghetto sometimes they're just low income but they're decent people and then there are the people who fit the description "ghetto trash" to a T.  I saw plenty of it people drinking in the street, having bbqs, empty beer bottles, etc. in the lobby the street garbage everywhere people have no manners, no self control and their kids are the same.  I never got that mentality ok so you're poor so that means you have act like an idiot talk like an idiot, drink,  take no pride in your community, and complain about everything yet you bring no positives to the table? It's a bunch of bs!   I was raised far from rich but I know one thing I didn't want to be associated with people like that.  I have self respect I have class manners and most importanly I do care about my community and others.  Some people would probably classify anyone who thinks like me a "sell out" wannabe"  well screw them.  What's that anyway? I never got that bs attitude so only white people can excel have higher standards of living and achieving.  gtfo! No we have to want to do better for ourselves, we should never settle for less or conform to a certain way of living for fear of what some people will say.  If anything people with that attitude are the ones who say that crap b/c they themselves lack the ambition and are afraid of trying to be different.  Its not easy being different but it can be done.  I've never been a follower and I never will.  I've always been independent in my thinking and overall.   Today we went to a street fair and these are nice while the closure of the streets can be a pain its okay for a short time.  They have typical street fair food like zeppoles, funnel cake, lemonade, all the food you shouldn't eat but always want some at the street fair.  I put my son on the merry go round and a car ride and I have to say that some parents are a bunch of idiots.  Someone got mad b/c I put my son for a second ride on the merry go round and I thought I wonder who's more mature the kid or you! that's no crime and my son loved it I changed him from the low horse to the one that rises up and down kids love things like that the crowd was big and after the car ride it was time to go home.   Tomorrow is the last day of it we may go back but not definite sometimes the crowds can be too much.  Another thing they had was ponies, donkeys and a llama nice to look like but stink like crazy and shit like it's going out of style which is gross the one my son pet dropped a big one and we were trying not to step in it.  I think they should put a bag under them like the ones in Manhattan it would be more sanitary and less of a mess to clean up.  Well it's after 11 and I'm going to go relax and watch some TV before I go to bed and get some rest.  I'm going to try to make an effort to post more blog entries in my original blog but it seems like I'm more on the go than at home, we'll see.

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