Sunday, September 26, 2010

weekends are too short

I'm usually so relieved when Fridays come but before you know it Monday is here.  This weekend was mostly organizing cleaning and cooking dinner arrgh.  It seems like there is always something to do in the house and I really wish I knew where all of the junk comes from b/c just when I think I've gotten rid of a lot of stuff more things show up.  This weekend will be another busy one since it's pay day friday and of course you know it errands bills, etc.  if I could only keep it all for me only in a perfect world lol :).  I sure wish this weather would make up it's mind it feels like summer for 3 days then like Fall the next and as if I don't hate Mondays enough they're expecting bad weather tomorrow and Tuesday.  I sure hope it isn't raining hard b/c that will not be good for my commute and having to drop oc jr off at daycare.  I'm hoping I have an easy commute to and from work tomorrow b/c I can't see myself staying another 10+ minutes at work again when i'm done I just want to punch out and leave,.  Friday is already October 1st it seems like this month just flew by so fast just seems like it was September 1st.  I saw the tv commercial for the new Law & Order in LA and I have to say that I'm not really excited about it b/c I think if it's not broke don't fix it.  I love Law & Order all of them and I was really pissed off that they canceled the original it was one of the best ones but as the years went by they started changing around the cast too much and not some of the best actors either so I will look at a few episodes and see if the new show is all that.  Seems like this was the month that all the new tv shows start their new seasons a lot of good shows a lot of garbage too, seems like everyone has a reality show these days there's so no such thing as privacy these days and then people wonder why we have so many problems you have people posting every waking moment on facebook and myspace and sometimes I look at these shows and wonder is the money that good that I'd give up my privacy just to have millions of people look at my daily life and make judgements about me I don't think so.  We're all human and far from perfect no one is at their best behavior all the time and life is pretty darn hard at times. I'm a private person my life is not an open book and I sure don't post my every waking moment on facebook I see people's status sometimes and I wonder do we really need to know that, please! I say be careful what you post on facebook, etc. use the privacy settings b/c there are very unscrupulous people out there who look at things and try to use them against people.  I don't think people status on facebook should be taken too seriously b/c we can all feel a certain way at a certain time of day or we can just be having a bad day we're all human but I've heard of people being fired, etc.  I think that's wrong that an employer can get away with that but that's why I say privacy settings learn them fast and customize postings if necessary.  It can save you a lot of unecessary grief well on that note I'm off to bed I hope the rain will wait till I get to the city to come down

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