Monday, September 13, 2010

good start to my day annoying end

Today was a typical Monday where I felt very lazy unmotivated and didn't want to get out of bed.  I got ready and was running late so I missed the bus which I hate b/c usually the second bus comes much more fuller with school kids and people going to work like myself and there aren't always seats in front where it's safer for me to get off the bus with the baby. I'm surprised that I'm still awake as I'm usually in bed by this time.  I was surprised the bus actually exactly on schedule but I won't get used to that as it's a rare occurrence.  There was a decent amount of work to do in the office today which at times I don't mind b/c the day goes faster and it distracts me from all of the chatter sometimes and music just helps you be in a better state of mind.  Today I completed and signed my processing form today so my permanent title will be Secretary  tomorrow is the hiring pool and while it's only a technicality I'm still nervous and I'm eager to check out other City agencies to see more or less what the duties of the new title are in different places.  I notice how I mentioned my good news to someone and they didn't respond positively to it which makes me  kind of realize sometimes people are full of it and are always sipping the patron bottle of haterade.  You have to throw your own party for yourself sometimes I'm always happy to see others succeed I've never been an envious person that's just a waste of time.  Lately this individual has been annoying seems like I'm going to start the face book deletion crusade again.  Today I went on my lunch break to buy a pair of business slacks for tomorrow and it made me realize how much I hate shopping they're always changing the cut of clothes making figuring out what size I wear a guessing game depending on the style.  I was super late back to work but I didn't care I needed the pants and have no time after work so I rushed back on the R train downtown and it seemed like I flew back to City Hall in no time before anyone noticed not even the office stool pigeon blinked an eye lol.  On my ride to work today I also realized how darn rude and selfish some people are a woman came on the train with a stroller with a very young infant and a small but older child not one person offered to give her a seat the small child sat next to me and I saw the baby crying a lot and the mother trying to tend to it standing up yet no one budged. I thought wtf is wrong with people so I gave up my seat I'm a mother I know how hard it is to travel with a small child on the subway which is why I avoid it all costs b/c first subways are dirty and they're all full of bunch of aholes.  The baby seemed to calm down after that.  When I was pregnant I always didn't get a seat either ppl act like they don't see you yeah right I only had a stomach the size of a freakin watermelon jerko!   I remember once this guy actually told me to move so his pendeja squeeze could sit down I looked at him like wtf? are you kidding me? I'm the pregnant one who got way before you did and you want me to move? Some ppl in this city truly deserve the name ahole in fact there should be a daily idiot, daily a-hole award,  rude subway rider, etc. and there would never be short of nominees that's for sure and subway seats should come with seat ejectors I sound disgruntled I know but commuting in this city is a real pain the *** a lot of times.  On my way to 34 St today on our car we encountered the lovely or should I say annoying subway performers who do break dancing on the train I hate it it's annoying and very dangerous I almost got hit in the stomach when I was pregnant by one of those jerks "performing" in the aisle and what a coincidence there was a pregnant woman in our train when I saw them start I moved b/c if they would've hit me that's it.  Sometimes you just want some peace and serenity on your ride you don't want to hear no bs no one performing no one asking for money no one trying to sell you a bridge or bootleg dvds this is why you always need a good book and charged up mp3 player to tune out all the crap.  Today I had to pick my child at the last minute b/c my husband ran late I call sitter to tell her I'm running late twice no answer I finally get there and see here talking with another parent and it seemed like no one was watching the children inside which pissed me off I get my son and when we go to wait for bus I smell something bad and not only that she gives me my son with a soiled diaper I was pissed off I'm like not only do you not answer your phone your too busy talking smack with someone to realize he needed to be changed. I'm sure once we got on the bus other ppl smelled it too so I hoped the bus would go fast and it did so I cleaned him up once we got home but these are the times where I wish I could afford pre-school not that any place is 100% but I have to keep looking until we find something affordable.  No one will take care and do for your child like you do.   On that note it's way past my time to be awake I should've been in bed 40 minutes ago well off to bed I go tomorrow is a big day and I hope everything will work out for the best.

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