Sunday, November 4, 2012

sandy and getting the city back on track

It has been a crazy week dealing with all of the aftermath of Sandy and I have to say that many people in NYC always thought a major disaster like this could never hit our state b/c we're not in a hurricane zone, etc. as you can see we were all proven wrong with Irene and definitely now with Sandy. It has taught people some hard lessons one of them being Always be prepared always have a full tank of gas b/c you never know if you have to leave due to an emergency and have a back up gas container, have the necessary supplies such as flash lights, batteries, and a "go" bag and obey the evacuation orders Seeing the stupidity here in this city shows me how unprepared and how stupid some people are in this city. Here are a few examples: To the idiot who wanted to play lotto on Friday and couldn't b/c machine was still down got an attitude we just finish getting through a storm some places lost power how about using your $5 to get a sandwich and pray for brains and commonsense. To the idiots who said "they could fight water" and have to be saved by police and first responders with their 4 kids hmm unless your captain america or the almighty you should've gotten your stupid selves together with your kids and gone to the shelter seriously? What they going to do when a water was coming to the house wonder twin powers activate? Duh!!!! The point i'm trying to make is priorities your kids and their safety come first everything else is secondary cars, homes, etc. while painful to suffer property losses they can be replaced your life cannot. To the low lives who were looting business how dare you go so low on the totem poll to be stealing from businesses when you should be trying to help yourself and others. You can always be ghetto fabulous on any other day of the week. I've seen the best and the definitely the worst of people during this situation people are so selfish and rude not wanting to wait for things it's a shame when the police has to be patrolling gas stations b/c people have no sense I understand it's a frustrating situation but you're not the only one going through it and you cutting in front of someone to whom you have no idea who they are and their stresses you're asking for trouble. A guy who attempted to cut the line pulled a gun out on someone who complained and was arrested good for him I hope they give him jail time. I know several ppl who waited hours in line with no luck people with red gas containers had better luck. My son's father finally got some gas yesterday and I was relieved b/c at least he will see jr and be able to celebrate his birthday which is tomorrow. I hope and wonder that NYC does receive the federal funding it needs although I'm sure if our mayor wasn't such an a*hole and welcomed our president into the city to view the areas it would've come a lot faster to the hardest hit areas like jersey, parts of brooklyn, staten island and the rockaways. While I'm not a fan of Chris Christie by any means I admire the way he welcomed the president and his dedication to help the people of his state get the help they need. Friday I went to the main office b/c the shelter was closed since all evacuees were relocated I took the bus with a co worker and it was a smooth ride going home was bad. We assumed the bus stop directly across the street was correct one to go home and when we attempted to ask a mta driver she yelled at me my goodness what a ghetto waste of space I felt like punching her dead in the face as stressed as I was with how am I going to get to work to get paid thanks mr mayor and b/c of her stupidity we were lost half an hr trying to find a stop and then MTA wonders why no one can stand their workers and they get cursed at or assaulted b/c they're rude unprofessional and just want to take up space and collect a check like most city workers. Finally after half hour and my feet killing me we find the stop which was right up the block ran for the bus had to stand most of the way due to the crowds and they actually thought people would find this bus with a measly piece of paper used as a sign like they don't have the money to put a proper sign there. I got home around 5:30 exhausted but from what I hear the power has been restored to lower manhattan and 80% of trains are running so I'm crossing my fingers we get to go back to the office tomorrow b/c I sure don't want to deal with going to the main office again. Another lesson learned is never take your boring daily routine for granted as when things go wrong you're going to wish you had that routine I know I sure did. While I got through the storm okay I'm praying that people get the help they need to rebuild and whatever other services are needed and as thanksgiving comes this month we should be thankful for everything we have how ever big or little b/c as I've learned in life there's always someone worse off than you.

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