Monday, October 29, 2012

hurricane sandy storm

Here we are two years later expecting the effects of hurricane Sandy and in 2010 it was Irene and I remember Irene caused a lot of damage in our area we had a lot of trees that were uprooted or fell on cars not too far away in a neighboring area the sidewalks were leveled. With what the news is saying this storm is supposed to be a big one but so far all I'm seeing is heavy wind and light rain I feel sometimes the media has a way of blowing things out of proportion not to say that we shouldn't be prepared for the worst but yesterday's usual trip to the supermarket was very annoying and aggravating experience the meat cases were bare, eggs gone, the bread gone and water unreal and the lines outrageous. You would think people were preparing for Armageddon instead of a storm. The North East is not a state where we get hurricanes like the south east or other states I see this much panic I could imagine if we were smh. I couldn't stock up meats b/c they were gone so I got the basics and tried to hurry back home. Thank goodness I make a habit of always buying extra cases of water so I didn't need to get any yesterday. Yesterday was a little nerve wracking in anticipation of the storm b/c my bedroom faces the street and strong winds can cause the windows to shatter so I guess we will be sleeping on the sofa bed tonight as there are no windows close like that. I was barely able to sleep I think but I made up for it by getting a nap in it was much needed as I rarely get to sleep in late or nap my sleeping in is if I'm lucky til 8 or 9 am. The city has prepared well for this storm even though I'm no fan of our mayor by any means. The MTA shut down buses and trains yesterday @7 buses @9 and the stupid thing of this all is I get an email from the city telling me that the city is open tomorrow and I thought are you kidding me??? How am I going to get there when you shut down the transit system you douche bag? We were told to report to shelters ok there what if the nearest one isn't near your home how were you supposed to get there not like the city is providing vans to get people place to place. The ICS system must have blown up my house and cell phones countless times and I didn't answer at all b/c I wasn't going anywhere #1 it's impossible and if you're smart you will stay your a** home it's not safe to drive in this weather I have my son to look after as his school is closed today and will be closed tomorrow and depending on when the storm hits landfall this afternoon who knows when the MTA will be fully restored again and they are able to do the neccessary clean up in the downtown area of the city I hear that battery park was flooded not a good thing. The winds are getting stronger by the hour and it's very scary at times. We are all taking it easy at home and riding it out and I'm hoping that everyone in the tri state area is safe. After the effects of the storm will be the next battle trying to get paid for the days we were out b/c our mayor thinks we should use our time which is ridiculous based on a weather situation that is out of our control I can bet he is safe somewhere and if he's that dedicated let him go outside and travel in that storm. For me I'm taking it easy and trying to make the best of things and crossing my fingers I don't lose power b/c of cell phones needing to be charged and food needed to be preserved.

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