Thursday, October 18, 2012

Job uncertainty

These past few weeks have been sort of slow to the point I'm bored to tears or like Friday I went home early.  Yesterday afternoon I get a call to meet with the director and some one else and it was sort of nerve wracking as I thought I was being reprimanded for being online too much I couldn't have been more wrong this mtg was to inform me that once again my job is at risk due to budget cuts I look around this place and it resembles a ghost town compared to three years ago many have gotten laid off or reassigned and I'm pissed off b/c I thought I was safe b/c my number was pulled off the list and I achieved permanent status only to be told that now I don't have enough seniority this is just adding stress that I don't need as I have enough and struggle getting by working ft I can imagine depending on unemployment we were told to take another exam $47 and no guarantee you will be called I said gtfo not only  do I not have the money I think its bs and unfair to stress out ppl,like this.  I'm a single mom and I can't afford this but I'm starting to prepare myself b/c up to this point I've been spared three rounds of lay offs and for that I'm grateful but doesn't mean this time around I will be lucky.  I look at it like maybe it is a sign that the time has come to move on to a new chapter and lately I have felt that I've gotten knowledge and experience of public health and its impact and importance in our communities but its time to move on.  It shows me that no one is safe anymore not even city state private sector and this is hard on everyone especially when you live in a city as expensive as NYC is the rent alone is a killer and average in all other expenses and just to make matters worse the MTA wants to raise the fare yet again b/c $104 a monthly pass is just not enough and take away discount incentives nothing gets easier if the MTA got rid of half their board members and those overpaid pension padding scammers took a pay cut or freeze their salary there could be more money available I don't see why we the riders have to pay for their incompetent budgeting or short falls.  I've been here before and I'll make the best of it but job creation and economic stimulation should be a top priority on the political agenda for economic recovery to benefit all not the elite who have more and pay less in taxes 47% of us live check to check, 47% can't afford healthcare 47% can't save for a rainy day when there is nothing extra left 47% don't qualify for food stamps b/c they make too much money I guess as long as you're 1,000+ a,month rent is paid you can starve b/c only you're gross income counts @@ as if that's not the biggest load of crap I've ever been handed.  Those are my statistics lol and name of the campaign should be called "mitt doesn't give a shit".  If and when these lay offs occur they will be in November and January smh what an early xmas gift or new yrs gift.  I have to agree with Eric Ulrich a congressman I think from qns who isn't democrat but he says rising costs dont make it worth living here no more and he is right he mentioned ppl are being priced out and I've explored that avenue of leaving nyc again b/c honestly I'm tired of struggling and living check to check and the commuter adventures and annoyances cant be all too much at times.  So we will see what the new few months bring and prepare for the worst but hoping for the best

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