Friday, December 10, 2010

friday at last

This has been one long work week it dragged on and it seemed like Friday was never going to come.  Today I got a break and didn't drop jr off at daycare and on my ride to work the mta never ceases to amaze me with their incompetence they leave the doors open in the freezing cold and don't even say why we were there for a while until they finally closed no explanation.  We get to myrtle bway to transfer for J and I was going to do you think that train waited for any customers to transfer nope it just zoomed by open doors and zoomed away.  I got to work with enough time to get something at dunkin donuts and walk quickly to work.  There are days I can't stand that place today I did a bunch of corrections to letters and when I go to stuff the letters there are no envelopes already stuffed with brochures and of course I had to stop and stuff fold etc. a totally tedious process.  I think this is totally unfair that we have also stuff and assemble them too when we have other work to do but these people think they know everything.  We were supposed to get our new sofa today the store screwed up the manager from the store was a total jerk and it almost made us cancel the order and we're still debating if we should.  It's not enough that I didn't get my merchandise on time due to your store's incompetence but on top of that you have an attitude to boot gtfo.  After calling customer service and pressing all of these annoying prompts I absolutely hate automated options on the it should just press 0 to speak to a HUMAN being with half a brain in their head.  On my lunch break I paid the bills online and I went outside to grab lunch the bank was horribly crowded the atm lines were unreal but this is pay day so it is to be expected.  I said forget this if anything I will do this tomorrow in my area why stress myself out? After lunch I was so tired and I was having trouble staying awake,.  I zoomed out of there at 4 only to be aggravated once more by a smelly crowded J train I hate crowded trains and sure enough when it was time to get off I did and I waited for the M train and I'm glad it came right away.  The fun began when I tried to call my husband not only 1 but 5 times and neither of us could hear one another and the call kept dropping I was infuriated and so was he.  I finally gave up and waited till I got home to call and even then it sounded bad.  I'm being punished for joining AT&T I HATE this company with a passion I find out the reason we were having trouble was due to not one but two cell phone towers down I was like wtf are you kidding me? not only do you have the worse service in the metro nyc area send me a useless post card saying you're trying to improve service in this area only to have two cell towers down.  I was fuming!!!! Every time I hear that saying "rethink possible" or your world delivered I say stfu you can't even handle the local market and demand.  I get on the phone with them and give them a piece of my man only for some fool who sounded like zorro telling me that he apologized for my inconvenience and gave us a generous $25 credit toward our next bill WHAT!  That's a crock.  Your service stinks and it's expensive.  I was also told $400 to cancel both phones and $275 just for mine I was tempted to do it and I still am.  I don't think I or any other customer should have to continue to put up with their shitty unreliable service and be bound by a contract on top of that.  I know my service goes down again I'm calling back and this time I will calling corporate offices.  What a way to end a day.  I'm sure glad that next week will be my last week before I go on vacation and I sure hope this coming week goes fast b/c I will breath a sigh of relief when our van pulls away to head out of NYC for two weeks.  I need a break from this job, this city, the subway, everything.  Well it's 11:00 and i'm ready to collapse into bed.  I sure hope I will catch up some on extra rest this weekend b/c I could sure use it.

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