Thursday, December 30, 2010

vacation coming to a close

Saturday is my last day here in Florida this week i've been alone while he visits his family in tampa you can say it's a break for me but I already miss jr.  These past few days I've been getting my last taste of slower pace and peace and quiet before we head back on the road to NY.  I'm glad I missed the huge blizzard over there b/c I know I would've been very aggravated as the MTA already sucks as it is without the blizzard.  This trip has had it's good and stressful moments but it will be hard to leave my mom, brother and everything behind.  I'm still doing research about apartments and looked at the corrections department for him and to my surprise I didn't see any job openings for correction officers which is kind of a let down b/c it means if we do decide to relocate it's going to take longer for it to happen and the job opportunities need to be available b/c most likely I will be a stay at home mom for a while unless a job does come my way that has good hours and ok pay.  Today was a bright sunny day most 70 degrees it felt like spring instead of the end of December.  After we came back from our walk and going to the store I just sat down outside in the backyard admiring the lake and watching the ducks in the pond.  I love vacations but most of the time they're not long enough I know it's going to take me a few days to get used to hustle and bustle of NYC but I always do eventually which reminds me I have no boots for the snow and neither does jr until I get the ones I really want going to have to go and get some at payless.  2010 has had its good and bad, it hasn't been an easy year and I'm hoping that '11 will bring all of us good luck, peace, health.  I'm hoping that the economy will eventually back on track and things will improve b/c there's way too much negativity going on and in the headlines sometimes I don't even want to watch the news b/c of this but I do to stay informed.  My main goal when I return to NY is to work hard and save a lot of money and hope that some job prospects do open up down here b/c I realize while I love NYC and I will always be a new yorker at heart, the life is too hard, the winters are getting tougher, the rents are getting to be outrageous and the pace of life is getting to be too rough.  We will see what this year brings.

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