Wednesday, December 22, 2010

spring like day

I can't believe that tomorrow is already thursday time seems to fly by so fast.  Today felt like spring it went up to 75 degrees a heat wave compared to the frigid NY tempratures.  We went out to the stores again since my mother needed some things and I got the baby some new jeans b/c he's outgrown his old jeans since he's gotten taller and it doesn't help that the place where we drop off laundry is a little too dryer happy and it has shown with some of my sweaters and some of jr clothes.  I might even consider starting to do my own laundry again as they say if you want something done do it yourself.  We then came home had some lunch and later after that we went to a local park called Alpine Grove Park to take jr to have some park time.   He loved the slides and ran around but of course when it was time to go he threw a tantrum of course.  The back part of the park is a wooded area where you can do bbq there are chair swings and it over looks the St John's River it is a very beautiful peaceful place to be.  If you're looking for peace and relaxation and a slower pace this section of FL is where to go.  I wish I could've taken pictures or video with my cell phone but my battery died.  When we got home I sat out in the back yard for a little while with jr to get some fresh air I looked at the lake and a group of white birds with long beaks called herons they got pretty close but I prefer to admire them from a distance.  Jr ran a little bit too close to lake and I grabbed his hand right away.  It feels good to be with my mother and spend time with the family despite any bs and it will be very hard to leave when the time comes.  Tomorrow we are taking my mother to get her hair done and I was going to get mine done too but I decided not to b/c of my type of hair not everyone knows how to cut and style my hair even though it's overdue for a cut.  I wanted to cut off about 2 maybe even 3 inches b/c lately I've been having a lot of bad hair days and that's usually a sign that I need a cut.  Tomorrow we're supposed to go and see meet the fockers I'm usually not a movie theater person unless it's a real good movie that I can't wait for it to come on cable or dvd.  Movies have gotten way too expensive and on top of that they don't want anyone bringing their own snacks which I think is ridiculous considering our economy.  So far I've hit zaxbys we may try hurricane grill and I must get my sonic and dairy queen fixes if I don't a chance to hit them all there's always tampa.  We leave to Tampa the day after xmas and it's going to be very hard to leave this all behind my husband even considered moving down here while that's a nice idea there's a lot to consider and I'm not sure I'm ready to leave NY behind considering our jobs, etc.  Not saying it can't be done but I don't want to make the same mistake twice.  We didn't hear or see jr and my mother just found him in her room with the door closed in the dark, cant believe he mastered going up and down the stairs.  Well toddler calls for a diaper change and a bath.  Another blogging session interrupted.  Have to make time later if I don't doze off I notice I have no problem falling asleep when I'm down here wish I could say the time at home.

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