Sunday, December 12, 2010

weekend is over

This weekend I spent it at home and yesterday I didn't get a chance to sleep in b/c jr woke at 5:30 and had no intention of going back to bed.  I was dozing off on the couch at one point which is a no no b/c he needs to be supervised all the time you can't even leave him alone for a second.  If you can't see or hear him he's up to something.  Yesterday he behaved pretty bad and tried my patience like you wouldn't believe the joys of parenthood and this is all a part of the terrible twos as they say and my sleep deprivation didn't help my mood or tolerance level.  He went down for a long nap which was good I was able to relax for a few hours watch some tv that has adult content besides disney playhouse and nick jr.  I like cartoons as much as the next person but even they can become redundant at times. Today I made up for it and slept in and late for me is 7-8 am. I felt better b/c of this.  I like the old school cartoons like tom & jerry, woody woodpecker, pink panther, smurfs to name a few most kids today wouldn't appreciate cartoons like that but they were funny and unusually violent for that time period.  Funny thing is I think I laugh at them and like them more than the child does, and already know what's going to happen before it happens lol.  I did some housework not a lot took out trash it seems like there is always something to do at home.  I had no problem falling asleep last night and I won't have any problem falling asleep now but I sure won't want to get up tomorrow b/c it's Monday and I hate Mondays.  Today I had some company which was nice we had dinner and while I was on the sofa I felt myself knodding off again so I went to take a shower to keep myself up,.  A shower will wake you up most of the time.  I so wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow but I have 5 days left and it's off to Florida.  I so need a break it's not even funny anymore.  This week I have to start making a list of what I'm taking, and the part I hate the most packing the suitcases I hate it to so much I'd rather have my husband do it.  I have to make sure the fridge is cleaned out and we don't leave nothing inside that will rot or spoil.  Take out the trash and make sure the litterbox is clear we are still debating whether or not phoebe is coming with us.  More likely than not we might leave her home.  She's a loving cat but a real pain in the butt traveling all she does is meow to the point that it drives you bananas.  Sometimes she's good but she has her moments.  I wanted to go to Rockefeller Center before I left to Florida to see the big xmas tree the angels and go into the st patricks cathedral it's architecture is beautiful but as I've said in my previous entry I feel a sense of peace when I go there I think you do in any church.  I can sure use some peace, prayer, etc. right now I know so many people who are going through things now and its so sad including right here in my own family I ask myself and ask Him why? why us? A very good friend of mine just told me her mother had to make an emergency trip to see a sick relative it's sad b/c I wonder why things always happen around the holiday season people passing away or getting sick or some sort of bad news I think the holiday season is bitter sweet it is happy but it also has it sad moments too.  I tend to feel down towards the end of the year b/c I start to reflect on the whole year what has happened, etc.  but out with the old and in with the new as they say.  I hope 2011 brings better things for everyone.  Well it's after 10 p.m and I'm really feeling tired off to bed I go or I will definitely not get up on time tomorrow.  The dishes can stay right where they are in the sink there's always tomorrow.

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