Tuesday, February 22, 2011

code adam at walmart

 We went to Walmart in this weekend in Westbury to get some household items and as I was shopping in the store I heard code adam over the PA system I thought what the heck is going on? I got scared and it wasn't even my child.  Turns out a 3 month old baby was left behind in the store and as I tried to finish my shopping I found myself even looking in the aisles.  I thought what the hell is wrong with people these days?  I guess this is what we've been reduced to my child NEVER leaves my side and is always strapped into shopping cart or stroller if we're outside.  What could be more important that securing your baby? Well apparently they called the store 30 minutes later looking for the child.  30 minutes! are you for real? it only takes seconds to snatch a child especially an infant that doesn't talk or walk.  You can forget your purse, a cell phone, even shopping bags at a store but your child, it's inexcusable in my opinion even though that may sound harsh.  I know how stressful it is to be a new parent or a parent period, especially when they're that small you can feel overwhelmed, sleep deprived, etc. but to do that and expect the Store Manager would just hand you your child and you weren't going to face legal consquences for it not going to happen.  As we were leaving we heard another group of customers also in disbelief which is how we found out they called the store but I also heard that they had closed off the entrance not letting anyone enter or exit from the other side we saw the Nassau County Police car outside.  I'm pretty sure they were arrested and charged with neglect and other stuff but this goes to show you that not everyone is cut out to be parents and I also have a suspicion that perhaps it was an attempt to drop off an unwanted child, there are safe havens for this purpose like a hopsital, fire house, church, etc.  I've witnessed other incidents of stupidity right here at a discount store at lunch time a woman left a sleeping baby in a stroller for 10 minutes and everyone was so wrapped in themselves and shopping no one noticed until I alerted a security guard who didn't seem to take me seriously they searched and they found her, they should've called the police actually I should've.  Well I'm sure this story will be aired on the local news soon in a few days and we will get more details about it.  Sad that anyone can have a child but not everyone can be a parent.

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