Monday, February 14, 2011

another work week starts

Another weekend has zoomed by and as always I feel even more tired than Fridays at the end of the day.  I hope to one day be able to relax and do nothing even if it's for one day.  There's always something to do or some place to go or something we need and even though I gave up laundry a long time ago I still feel tired. Last week a fellow co-worker had a passing in her family and another one with a child that is ill that's very sad seems like everyone is going through something it's sad b/c we should feel empathy for everyone but I realize here everyone just does for certain people and not all and that is something that I just don't swallow well but it is what it is office politics or just plain human stupidity.  I will give her my condolences but I wanted to give her privacy and space b/c having been through that the last thing you want to deal with at times is other people even though they mean well.  This is why I avoid certain ppl altogether if they want to think i'm a b* b/c I choose not to deal with certain ppl that's their problem an opinion is like an a* h* everybody has one.  Some people you can take in small doses some you just avoid.  This weekend was like most did some cleaning mopping of the floors separating recylcing which I hate taking out trash all the fun stuff.   I was exhausted at the end of the day until I was told to take a shower and get ready and he surprised me with taking me out to dinner an early Vday thing I think we should've stayed local or gone to long island b/c we went into Manhattan looking for a restaurant recommended to us and when we arrived it was crowded and it is to be expected it's a saturday, the times sq theater district and it looked a little upscale and I was dressed with jeans so that was out.  We then looked for Viva Pancho a good mexican restaurant only to be disappointed b/c they closed down. The crowds were horrendous and I just felt like taking the train back home but we went to Planet Hollywood I think we should've just went to BBQ's or just stayed local.   The city is not what it once was not like when I was younger anyway,there's too many people, trains don't run like they used to, a lot of good places have closed down.  We decided to go there to try something different but the wait was 30 minutes long and you had to wait on stairs almost as if you're waiting to get into a club and people enter and exit through the same staircase I wonder what genius thought of that.  Then of course I get stuck waiting behind someone who smelled like old cheese, I mean really wtf you're going to hang out and you can't even take a bath seriously?  I was hoping the line moved fast b/c I couldn't take it anymore and neither could the other couple behind us.  We finally arrived at the top of the stairs and they take pictures of you which I find out are not free.  While it's nice to try something different and see things of old hollywood movies, this place in my opinion is an overpriced tourist trap.  When the hostess asked us where we were from and I said NY she looked surprised I guess b/c they're not used to see native new yorkers there b/c most of us would never pay what they charge lol.  We were seated and I looked at our menu which wasn't very extensive and our waiter came to our table some Simon Cowell sounding guy lol which is even more laughable to me b/c this restaurant is in NY!  We ordered our food and I made the mistake of ordering chicken fettucine when it arrived the butter sauce was thick and the chicken while grilled wasn't seasoned and sort of over seared.  I bet the Olive Garden's version of this would give it a good kick in the pants! He had the salmon but he said it was ok the dessert made up for it we shared a chocolate cake and ice cream on side vanilla bean which was good but I felt stuffed afterward so we walked it off a little.  We went to the Disney Store and I love going in there to look at the toys and revisiting child hood movies I was looking for some Disney classic dvds but didn't see any.  After this we went home which was like an obstacle course due to all the MTA service diversions.  When riding the L train home I saw a crowd on the train that's nothing like the crowds I remember a lot of bohemian, artsy fartsy, etc. sort of people who ride this line now I guess that's due to the gentrification they've done in a certain area of Brooklyn now and some of those people honestly are quite annoying there was one on the train who just wouldn't shut up and I was so glad they got off at the next stop.  I don't like gentrification but that's for another blog.  I had a good time but I can't I would go there again or recommend that place to others.  Affordability and good quality food count for a lot.  Yesterday I made a trip to Walmart picked up items we needed replaced the radio in the baby's room and we had some good old spanish food from the cuchifrito on knickerbocker ave.  Nothing too heavy chicken soup, stuffed potato ball, and a coconut drink that's good but taste even better during the summer time.  I put jr on quarter rides but the horse was dead walked a few more blocks and found a working one and he enjoyed it put him on it for 3 rides and we left.  It felt good to finally arrive at home where I felt my eyes close a few times and before you know it's 8:00 and time to get ready to start another work week.  I finally spoke to my grandfather after not speaking with him for a while I actually sent him a Vday card from jr and wrote him a letter.  He hasn't been feeling well and he is going to stop working he should've a long time ago.  He's going to be 78 yrs old and I know he feels sad about family situation pertaining to my immediate family but I told him that's he has to start thinking about himself and his health and at the same time I feel angry b/c I'm tired of dealing with this drama myself.  It makes me afraid that I may one day be that age and still having to work and I don't want that at all. I want to retire and enjoy my life which is why we have to be smart now that we're young.  My grandfather has worked since a young boy and it's time for him to rest and I told him whatever it is decisions will have to be made and I know they will affect certain ppl but that's life sadly I care a lot about who it will affect but he is getting old and needs to relax already. I know we're all the talk of the family and that's another thing that pisses me off b/c everyone seems to think that their lives are perfect and how I guess why people are in a certain situation is their fault.  It's a hierarchy of family the haves and have nots something I will also save for another posting.  I told him how I felt about everything and I have to say that sometimes he can be very insensitive at times.  I then questioned him about the conversation that occured between him and a family member of mine and he refuses to tell me what happened.  We then talk about relocation and that's not happening and I confronted him and I believe that he just doesn't want to put us at risk economically but I also believe a deeper part of it he doesn't  want to deal with the bs either and I can't say I blame him but a part of me was looking forward to leaving NY I guess this is a goal that will have to be placed on hold till things get better economically and situations change.  Well it's after 9:00 and I need to start working but no work has come in yet.  Today is Vday and it doesn't even seem like it I guess it's b/c it fell on a Monday.  It turns out we both have President's Day off which is a good thing I guess maybe I will be able to get some rest after all.  I look forward to planning the next vacation and this time it's going to be a destination package no family visits I can always save that for later in the summer time or whenever time permits this time around I want to explore and enjoy the unknown.  Well time for me to end this too many eyes around.

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