Thursday, February 3, 2011

daily mundane things

Lunch is coming to a close but I wish it wasn't.  I went out to get pizza today while a slice of pizza is good $3 is all I had on me so it had to work for today.  I'm happy the weather was sunny even thought it was quite cold in the morning and while I went out it always warms up in the afternoon.  I got my pizza and went to walk around in Duane Reade to browse around and see if I saw anything good but I didn't I really only buy things there when they're on sale b/c they can be expensive.  Sometimes I have so many things on my mind at once that if I don't write it down or put in my cell phone I will forget.  I received a letter from the special instruction teacher and I have to fill out a paper and mail it back.  A whole bunch of little things to do can pile up quickly especially when there's a lot of work to do in the office.  Forget about doing when I get back home b/c my time is dedicated to jr or anything else or I will just get tired and not want to do anything.  This thing with being paid for the snow day is really getting on my last nerve,  I submitted my appeal form with a signed written statement only to be told that I had to ask for advance leave in order to be paid for the day and I was like wtf  I never knew I could do that and do I really want to b/c then I'd have give back 7 hours grrr all of this forms, emailing this one that one, a whole bunch of crap so much that I literally had a headache and took a tylenol.  I wish they'd kept the paper time cards, all of this computerized crap gets annoying after a while I honestly think it's just a glorified way of them keeping tabs on us. Then as I was doing the mail, a whole bunch of incomplete provider names and address I think quest diagnostics was sick of hearing my voice and the whole schmeel I have to say when identifiying myself for the information.  This is exactly what I'm talking about when I spoke about iniative in my other posting, what is it with people that they don't take iniative or don't want to do their jobs right, I mean it's ridiculous! Do your **** job so I can do mine! or they do a half *** job and expect recognition for it.  I'm hoping as I complete the mail that I don't have to make anymore phone calls.  Last night when I arrived home after my screw up with the trains for not paying attention I was very tired  and the rice was botched b/c he didn't cook the sauce and sofrito for a little bit first I've been using tomato paste it was recommended to me by someone but since it's thicker you have to let simmer and cook and genius didn't do that so the outcome wasn't good but he's as stubborn as a mule and he was pissed off and I said well you never listen to anything I say so this is what happens.  Men are stubborn overall they won't ask for directions, etc. etc. until they find themselves in a situation where they don't have a choice.  I asked him about the FL corrections department and he said that they wouldn't give him any information unless it was certain that he was moving which I found strange and how I knew the process and that maybe it would be better if they moved back here to NY and I was like huh??? Is this the same person who told me in FL that them moving back to NY would be a real bad idea.  I was shocked but shocked turned into pissed off.  He then said we have to look at what's best for us job wise, etc. and while I agree with that point you seemed very sure that relocation is what he wanted to do and now he's singing a different tune.  I mean even I've had my doubts myself especially when it came to the job market that I was checking out Orlando since it's a bigger city with more job prospects and now he comes out of left field with this.  I know that either way we have to make a decision about what we want to do b/c I'm tired of wondering myself.  If we stay here in NY the rents are only going to get higher, the winters, etc. and I know for sure I don't want to stay another year in that apartment due to the neighbors and the fact that it's a relic from early 20th century.  Landlords here have a true pair b/c they want to rent apartments but they won't bring them into the 21 century I think the wiring in our building isn't even updated which he can get a fine for.  So many decisions and time flies by before you know it as you can see January flew by very fast February will fly be even faster and before you know May will be here.  Well it's way after lunch and I need to finish up my work so I will continue some more on another entry.

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