Tuesday, February 8, 2011

things that make you go hmm

Today was one of those rainy mornings that you just want to stay in bed I overslept and rushed to get ready I hate when that happens b/c when you rush you forget things and everything goes wrong.  I got a ride again and I got into the city on time considering the train left late.  I get to work and it was just one of those boring days and due to the new mtg notes I try to limit my time on the internet at work now b/c unfortunately there are people who have absolutely positively no life and have to watch what others do on line I must be a rare breed b/c I couldn't care less who does what as long I'm doing what I need to do, I'm a firm believer all good things come to an end so if someone is getting away with something it's only a matter of time before they're caught and dealt with.  Today I worked half a day due to jr hearing test and it felt good to get on the train and be able to sit down with no crowds.  We get to the office and I see the secretary and I think the voice matches her ms congeniality attitude.  It really boggles my mind how some people get jobs going to doctor's office, clinics, hospitals etc. I've come across some really rude incompetent people and sometimes you need to put ppl in their place.  She practically hounds us for the paper work and insurance card I thought give me a freaking break she explains she had to call the insurance company as I sat there I knew this was total bs as she was bsing on the phone and her text ringtone was going off a mile a minute and I thought how freaking unprofessional. So 3:00 appointment turns into 3:17 and there was a man who had a 2:45 appt who still hadn't been seen yet b/c apparently she forgot to tell him he was there.  After he leaves we go in and for anyone who has kids it's very hard to keep them still especially a toddler.  He did some tests and asks him questions to see if he responds and he does but tells us that his ear drums in both ears aren't functioning properly and I was upset and the specialist saw this and tells me not to be upset but how could I not?  He couldn't complete the test and we have to go back so now it's back to his pediatrician to examine him and possible ENT dr.  The speech therapist came over and he did well but got distracted.  I really hope that whatever it is as far as his hearing goes can be corrected with treatment, medicine.  Today was a short mtg in reference to lay offs which is more of talking in riddles and we don't know this that etc. so much pretty much no news is good news as far as I'm concerned and I as well as many others are left in limbo and now I have to go a processing appt and to me this pointless since I did receive an at risk letter.  I couldn't believe how cold it got as the day went on, I guess tomorrow will be the same especially in the morning.  Even after filing the claim against time warner and all they tried to do the charge still posted to my account so now I have to wait until I hear from them tomorrow to let them know this and see if they fix it b/c if not the bank will take over from here.  Why does it seem like everything when it happens it always all at once.  I read my face book updates tonight and I read something someone posted saying if you're miserable don't post it suck it up get help etc. and it really pissed me off b/c while there may be things that ppl post on face bk but this person also posts some of those ridiculous things that I think are like do I really need to know or do I care? I mean seriously who cares if you got a satellite dish and don't know how to install CALL the provider and have them install it.  There should be etiquette on face book b/c some people really need a lesson in it.  I've gotten to the point that I've hidden updates b/c of the ridiculousness of some statuses and it has caused me to look at some of my postings too.  I've even though about deactivating again but decided not to just to be more cautious with my status postings, etc.  While social networking sites are fun they also bring out the stupidity in people, I don't know what it is but give someone a computer and social networking or instant messaging and they just don't know how to act.  It's been a pretty long day and I want to make sure I get enough rest and make sure my alarm is loud enough so I'm able to give myself enough time to get ready. 

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