Sunday, February 27, 2011

rested weekend

This weekend we had beautiful spring like weather which reminds me I need a spring jacket b/c my jacket is too thick and I felt so overheated when I was out yesterday and today. We cleaned the house, and threw out so much trash, kind of makes me wonder where the heck all of the paper accumulates the reason I need to get a high power high capacity shredder to rid myself of all unnecessary paper junk.  Getting rid of junk feels extremely liberating and frees up a lot of space especially when there isn't much to work with.  After this we headed to Queens Center Mall and most would say I'm a glutton for punishment b/c this place is always a mad house especially on the weekends but I really needed something that was on sale and I headed to the store and found there was a huge line to pay come to find out that the 50% off discount was only till 1 pm.  thank goodness for him that he held my spot in line.  I also went to GNC to pick up our vitamins also on sale after this we got hungry and headed to the food court which good luck in trying to find a seat there I felt like having some teriyaki chicken only to be disappointed when I saw the cash only sign went to mcdonald's instead and me and jr shared chicken nuggets and fries.  I also went to target and they've really made a lot of nice changes to it got some things there and final stops were the sprint store and best buy,  we're looking to get rid of AT&T and I saw the EVO which is a cool phone with great features.  It may hurt our pockets to get rid of AT&T with termination fees but we're so sick of their crappy service in this area it will be worth it in our eyes.  I then went to pick up ingredients to make the fresh sofrito at home which aren't readily available in this area so I have to go into bklyn for this.  Fresh is better just wish I had a store that had everything that was closer to home like walking distance.  Made a tray of baked ziti so we have left overs for today hooray and jr went with his father to the park for a while and I watched some tv and chilled out and he went for a nap so cant complain too much about this weekend kind of wish more of them were like this.  Tomorrow is Monday my least favorite day and a very rainy one at that, not exactly looking forward to it going to see if I get a ride well time to heat up our dinner i'm sure it will taste just as good or even better than last night.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

long weekend

This weekend was a long weekend love those b/c Mondays are my least favorite day of the week I always feel tired and have no motivation.  I got some extra rest but long for a total "me" day where I can spend the day alone minus child husband maybe the nail salon and my favorite tv shows.  So much for the short lived tease of spring weather we got last week and it's back to the big freeze again.  I'm tired of this cold weather already I look forward to spring b/c the weather is so nice you can get rid of the heavy jackets, boots, and sweaters and appreciate the trees and flowers in bloom.  It's hard to get some sleep when you have a toddler sandwiched between you and your significant other and this is a battle I'm losing b/c this is a habit that I didn't want to get him used to but I don't have much of a choice it's either stand my ground and put him back inside crib and him scream his head off and by the time I get to sleep I got maybe an hour or two of sleep so this is a dilemma working parents deal with all the time.  My bed felt so warm and good until I was nudged by him to wake up I get up half conscious to watch NY1 and finally hit the shower which didn't help b/c I take out the puff I use for body powder and squeeze lotion on to it, talk about being half asleep.  I get out of the bathroom to find my son sitting on the sofa with a canister of gerber graduates cruching on them and a mess of snacks on the sofa I thought I really need this! I had to clean it up quick and finish getting dressed and ready to then get him dressed and bundled to finally be out the door.  I knew it was freezing when we couldn't walk up the block due to ice freezing up so I had to cross the street.  I was happy to have caught both buses and both trains on time to make it here before 8 got my breakfast and got here on time which is great.  I get a call from tax people only for them to tell me the names on my social and W2 don't match I thought I changed it when we got married apparently not so another task having to deal with a gov't office as if I don't have enough things to remember but I don't want refunds to be delayed either.  I arrive on time just to hear that the system is down yet again unbelievable it wasn't available for 2 days last week and I can only read the paper so many times.  Well we will see what this day brings. 

code adam at walmart

 We went to Walmart in this weekend in Westbury to get some household items and as I was shopping in the store I heard code adam over the PA system I thought what the heck is going on? I got scared and it wasn't even my child.  Turns out a 3 month old baby was left behind in the store and as I tried to finish my shopping I found myself even looking in the aisles.  I thought what the hell is wrong with people these days?  I guess this is what we've been reduced to my child NEVER leaves my side and is always strapped into shopping cart or stroller if we're outside.  What could be more important that securing your baby? Well apparently they called the store 30 minutes later looking for the child.  30 minutes! are you for real? it only takes seconds to snatch a child especially an infant that doesn't talk or walk.  You can forget your purse, a cell phone, even shopping bags at a store but your child, it's inexcusable in my opinion even though that may sound harsh.  I know how stressful it is to be a new parent or a parent period, especially when they're that small you can feel overwhelmed, sleep deprived, etc. but to do that and expect the Store Manager would just hand you your child and you weren't going to face legal consquences for it not going to happen.  As we were leaving we heard another group of customers also in disbelief which is how we found out they called the store but I also heard that they had closed off the entrance not letting anyone enter or exit from the other side we saw the Nassau County Police car outside.  I'm pretty sure they were arrested and charged with neglect and other stuff but this goes to show you that not everyone is cut out to be parents and I also have a suspicion that perhaps it was an attempt to drop off an unwanted child, there are safe havens for this purpose like a hopsital, fire house, church, etc.  I've witnessed other incidents of stupidity right here at a discount store at lunch time a woman left a sleeping baby in a stroller for 10 minutes and everyone was so wrapped in themselves and shopping no one noticed until I alerted a security guard who didn't seem to take me seriously they searched and they found her, they should've called the police actually I should've.  Well I'm sure this story will be aired on the local news soon in a few days and we will get more details about it.  Sad that anyone can have a child but not everyone can be a parent.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


In some of my earlier postings I've mentioned this word gentrification and it's a word that I'm not fond of.  I've posted it's exact meaning from the webster's online dictionary gentrification:The rehabilitation of a deteriorated neighborhood by new residents who are wealthier than the long-time residents. This can cause an increase in housing prices and lead to displacement of the long-time residents.

This is happening in many neighborhoods and while people may view this as a positive thing it really is not.  Some of the NY neighborhoods it's happening or has happened in Williamsburg, Park Slope, East Harlem, Bedford-Stuyvesant, LIC, Woodside, to name a few and i'm sure there will be many more to come.  The housing that is being built is usually luxury cooperatives, condominiums, etc. that appeal to upper middle class or yuppies to have a closer commute to the city and I think while cleaning up a neighborhood is a good thing and the desire to improve housing but why would you build luxury housing that is out of the reach of most people who occupy these areas and price them out of their neighborhoods which many people have been living for many years sometimes generations.  Why not clean it up and offer to moderate to median income housing?  This is the thing they fail to tell all the artists, bohemians, and yuppies who get suckered yes I said it suckered into buying these properties the surrounding not yet gentrified areas aren't that safe especially near the train stations.  I ride the M train every day and I pass Marcy Ave and trust me that's not a nice area but you see plenty of high end buildings around there and I see the difference in the crowd of passengers coming in and off the train and I'm almost surprised to see this type of crowd but this is the result of gentrifcation.  I don't like gentrifcation b/c it takes away the originality of the neighborhood, it prices out long time residents and the elderly and who wants all of these high end fancy boutiques etc in your area and why should my rent be affected b/c someone else wants to live a certain lifestyle if they want all of this they can always get an apartment in Manhattan in my opinion.  I once had a conversation with a coworker and we spoke about this and they mentioned how once Park Slope was a real bad neighborhood at one point but due to the gentrification it's really nice but then I mentioned why should an elderly person who has lived in one of those landmarked buildings for many years probably raised their family there be priced out of there b/c of a bunch of yuppies who want to raise the rent and improve it for their benefit?  While I suspect she felt a small shed of sympathy I doubt they got my point b/c there are people out there that only think about their situations and their life in the present but the fact is no one stays young forever and when we get older things change and when you're retired sometimes your fixed income doesn't match up to current cost of living increases so try to tell someone to get out when they probably couldn't even afford a studio on today's rent prices!  I think it's not fair how there are old buildings with elderly residents who live there on fixed income are being targeted and they try to get rid of them b/c of rent control only to get someone who will pay a ridiculous rent for only one or a few blocks of gentrification but by the way be careful when you go down 2 blocks in the other direction but they still keep moving into these areas I think its crazy. Hmm you might want to check into the surrounding neighborhood streets before you sign on the dotted line I know I sure as heck would that's a big investment.  Last weekend when I rode the L train back home due to the crappy MTA service diversions I couldn't believe the difference in the crowd on the way back all of these bohemians, yuppies, artsy fartsy types I have to say I never used to see that back in the days when I rode the L train which is a true sign of the times for me.  You expect to see that in The Village, Union Square, etc.  not on the way to Bklyn.  I went to East Harlem a.k.a Spanish Harlem and you even see gentrifcation in this area of the city too I went there in 2009 to go to a well known and talked about puerto rican restaurant with my husband and jr.  and while the food was good I have to say that they were trying way too hard to conform to gentrified areas and I have to say that while the food was good I've also heard it used to be better and a lot of local residents have stopped going b/c of the quality of the food has gone down and want to charge table cloth prices in an area of the city which isn't high end or table cloth type of restaurant.  Why should they have to change for them? If they like the food they will come if not then don't very simple it's not an american restaurant don't expect that type of feel if you want that go elsewhere.  I got a steak and onion rice and beans everyone knows rice and beans go together I had to order it separate totally ridiculous, the appetizers are small and expensive.  I've noticed that when latino restaurant try to make their restaurants high end and appeal to a certain crowd the quality and authenticity of the food goes down but the ambiance is beautiful while ambiance is good the food has to be good for customers to keep coming back and if it's not it the business will simply not flourish.  While I think some might consider my opinions to be biased but think of it this way I wish I could afford nicer housing and if I was in a higher income bracket  that I sure wouldn't want to displace any residents who couldn't afford to live anywhere else as I've said before most people only care about life in the present and getting a nice property to invest in but is your investment really worth it?   I've even seen the effects of gentrifcation in lower manhattan where I now deem it yuppie land years ago you could shop in conways and many other discount stores in the area get affordable lunch not now if you walk down the street the conways is gone made into luxury apartments, all you see is high end over priced places like chipotle grill which is overpriced overrated chopped up crap given to you in a biodegradable serving dish, five guys burger and fries, starbucks, and many others.  The Wendys has gone up I once went there for lunch and my total was $8.85 I almost had a heart attack I only ordered a grill chicken meal so I quickly scratched them off my list.  It's getting to the point that you can't find affordable lunch anymore so I stick to pizza or sometimes bringing my own.  It's almost comparative to rising subway fares you pay more to get less.  This is a sad reality of many places in NYC it's rising cost of living and outrageous rent which is pricing out the middle class I know I will be priced out of here eventually but with this horrible economy it seems like no place is safe to go so it kind of leaves a person with their backs against the wall. The middle class is slowly disappearing from this city pretty soon you're going to have the very poor and the very wealthy. It's hard when your rent is the price of some people's mortgage payments and you have food,  utilities, clothing, etc. and average daycare in there if you have kids the cost of living keeps going up but your paycheck stays the same making it harder to get by and save for a rainy day.  Seems like things will get worse before they get better, seems like this recession is even worse than the one in the late 80's early 90's and it's going to take us a long time to recover from it if we ever do totally.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

long day

Today was a hectic morning and I woke up half asleep watched NY1 to get a check on the weather and MTA nonsense if there is any, and once I'm fully awake off to the shower.  I'm in the shower and I see a little body come in peak through the it's jr full of energy and then he throws an entire roll of toilet paper in the toilet and the fun begins.  After I'm dressed it's time to get him ready and he has a dirty diaper which is almost unheard for him during the mornings I survive that w/out throwing up dress him and then I wake up the genius as he promised to drop us off only to have to wait for him to finish by this time I'm really pissed off b/c I'm running late.  We finally get going in the car and we get stuck behind a garbage truck which stresses me out even more.  I don't think he really understands how important it is for me to be on time to work.  I get to the train and it takes forever to move and I feel really tired finally I fall asleep for a while but I woke up before it was time for me to catch my least favorite connecting train the J.  It took forever to come as usual dealing with MTA incompetence it finally comes and it's an old train which is smaller and even more crowded I squeeze and when I punch in boom 20 minutes late.  I had a tension headache.  I then proceeded to try and get started for work and did mail and finally was done before lunch I sent out 129 letters I had to take a break b/c it was to the point I had tunnel vision.  It took me forever to get it done since I had to assemble most of them b/c no envelopes or brochures were made.  Trying to get things accomplished during the day isn't easy called inquiring about transit card still getting the run around I refuse to continue to pay out of my pocket b/c of this vendors incompetence and I'm prepared to call again and speak to a manager to finally resolve this situation.  I then called cable company to check on the status of my reversal and here we go again I got a different person different story telling me that it can't be reversed and how I had to call within a few mins of the error which they don't disclose on web pg.  I swear that these representatives make things up as they go along.  I've faxed all of the proof to finance dept and I'm still at the same position so I'm leaving it up to the bank to resolve this dispute with them I'm done and I'm not aggravating myself further I'm providing the bank with the receipt showing the charge I authorized and will no longer use their web site for payments.  I finally leave work to get on train and it's crowded and I really felt like sitting but no luck on either train I get home after 5 and a little while after that speech therapist comes and does the session with jr and he's coming along well but it's hard trying to stay awake.  I'm glad I have a long weekend coming up.  After she leaves it's dinner time watching some tv bathe child and off to bed he goes. Tonight was the funeral service for my co-worker's relative and I really wished I would've been able to make it but I couldn't due to distance and jr session.  I'm still puzzled how no one in the office has purchased a sympathy card for us to sign and take a collection she's a nice person this is what I hate just last week this was done for someone else.  I'm a firm believer if you don't for one you do for all not just selected people.  I'm not waiting for no one I have a sympathy card I'm writing it up and mailing it to her.  I'm also awaiting a return call from his pediatrician nothing yet I'm just going to schedule an appointment. I hope to have an uneventful morning and commute to work b/c I sure don't want to stay late again. Dealing with all of these things gets to be a bit much after a while.  It's after 10 and it's been a long day and need some much needed rest. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

another work week starts

Another weekend has zoomed by and as always I feel even more tired than Fridays at the end of the day.  I hope to one day be able to relax and do nothing even if it's for one day.  There's always something to do or some place to go or something we need and even though I gave up laundry a long time ago I still feel tired. Last week a fellow co-worker had a passing in her family and another one with a child that is ill that's very sad seems like everyone is going through something it's sad b/c we should feel empathy for everyone but I realize here everyone just does for certain people and not all and that is something that I just don't swallow well but it is what it is office politics or just plain human stupidity.  I will give her my condolences but I wanted to give her privacy and space b/c having been through that the last thing you want to deal with at times is other people even though they mean well.  This is why I avoid certain ppl altogether if they want to think i'm a b* b/c I choose not to deal with certain ppl that's their problem an opinion is like an a* h* everybody has one.  Some people you can take in small doses some you just avoid.  This weekend was like most did some cleaning mopping of the floors separating recylcing which I hate taking out trash all the fun stuff.   I was exhausted at the end of the day until I was told to take a shower and get ready and he surprised me with taking me out to dinner an early Vday thing I think we should've stayed local or gone to long island b/c we went into Manhattan looking for a restaurant recommended to us and when we arrived it was crowded and it is to be expected it's a saturday, the times sq theater district and it looked a little upscale and I was dressed with jeans so that was out.  We then looked for Viva Pancho a good mexican restaurant only to be disappointed b/c they closed down. The crowds were horrendous and I just felt like taking the train back home but we went to Planet Hollywood I think we should've just went to BBQ's or just stayed local.   The city is not what it once was not like when I was younger anyway,there's too many people, trains don't run like they used to, a lot of good places have closed down.  We decided to go there to try something different but the wait was 30 minutes long and you had to wait on stairs almost as if you're waiting to get into a club and people enter and exit through the same staircase I wonder what genius thought of that.  Then of course I get stuck waiting behind someone who smelled like old cheese, I mean really wtf you're going to hang out and you can't even take a bath seriously?  I was hoping the line moved fast b/c I couldn't take it anymore and neither could the other couple behind us.  We finally arrived at the top of the stairs and they take pictures of you which I find out are not free.  While it's nice to try something different and see things of old hollywood movies, this place in my opinion is an overpriced tourist trap.  When the hostess asked us where we were from and I said NY she looked surprised I guess b/c they're not used to see native new yorkers there b/c most of us would never pay what they charge lol.  We were seated and I looked at our menu which wasn't very extensive and our waiter came to our table some Simon Cowell sounding guy lol which is even more laughable to me b/c this restaurant is in NY!  We ordered our food and I made the mistake of ordering chicken fettucine when it arrived the butter sauce was thick and the chicken while grilled wasn't seasoned and sort of over seared.  I bet the Olive Garden's version of this would give it a good kick in the pants! He had the salmon but he said it was ok the dessert made up for it we shared a chocolate cake and ice cream on side vanilla bean which was good but I felt stuffed afterward so we walked it off a little.  We went to the Disney Store and I love going in there to look at the toys and revisiting child hood movies I was looking for some Disney classic dvds but didn't see any.  After this we went home which was like an obstacle course due to all the MTA service diversions.  When riding the L train home I saw a crowd on the train that's nothing like the crowds I remember a lot of bohemian, artsy fartsy, etc. sort of people who ride this line now I guess that's due to the gentrification they've done in a certain area of Brooklyn now and some of those people honestly are quite annoying there was one on the train who just wouldn't shut up and I was so glad they got off at the next stop.  I don't like gentrification but that's for another blog.  I had a good time but I can't I would go there again or recommend that place to others.  Affordability and good quality food count for a lot.  Yesterday I made a trip to Walmart picked up items we needed replaced the radio in the baby's room and we had some good old spanish food from the cuchifrito on knickerbocker ave.  Nothing too heavy chicken soup, stuffed potato ball, and a coconut drink that's good but taste even better during the summer time.  I put jr on quarter rides but the horse was dead walked a few more blocks and found a working one and he enjoyed it put him on it for 3 rides and we left.  It felt good to finally arrive at home where I felt my eyes close a few times and before you know it's 8:00 and time to get ready to start another work week.  I finally spoke to my grandfather after not speaking with him for a while I actually sent him a Vday card from jr and wrote him a letter.  He hasn't been feeling well and he is going to stop working he should've a long time ago.  He's going to be 78 yrs old and I know he feels sad about family situation pertaining to my immediate family but I told him that's he has to start thinking about himself and his health and at the same time I feel angry b/c I'm tired of dealing with this drama myself.  It makes me afraid that I may one day be that age and still having to work and I don't want that at all. I want to retire and enjoy my life which is why we have to be smart now that we're young.  My grandfather has worked since a young boy and it's time for him to rest and I told him whatever it is decisions will have to be made and I know they will affect certain ppl but that's life sadly I care a lot about who it will affect but he is getting old and needs to relax already. I know we're all the talk of the family and that's another thing that pisses me off b/c everyone seems to think that their lives are perfect and how I guess why people are in a certain situation is their fault.  It's a hierarchy of family the haves and have nots something I will also save for another posting.  I told him how I felt about everything and I have to say that sometimes he can be very insensitive at times.  I then questioned him about the conversation that occured between him and a family member of mine and he refuses to tell me what happened.  We then talk about relocation and that's not happening and I confronted him and I believe that he just doesn't want to put us at risk economically but I also believe a deeper part of it he doesn't  want to deal with the bs either and I can't say I blame him but a part of me was looking forward to leaving NY I guess this is a goal that will have to be placed on hold till things get better economically and situations change.  Well it's after 9:00 and I need to start working but no work has come in yet.  Today is Vday and it doesn't even seem like it I guess it's b/c it fell on a Monday.  It turns out we both have President's Day off which is a good thing I guess maybe I will be able to get some rest after all.  I look forward to planning the next vacation and this time it's going to be a destination package no family visits I can always save that for later in the summer time or whenever time permits this time around I want to explore and enjoy the unknown.  Well time for me to end this too many eyes around.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

things that make you go hmm

Today was one of those rainy mornings that you just want to stay in bed I overslept and rushed to get ready I hate when that happens b/c when you rush you forget things and everything goes wrong.  I got a ride again and I got into the city on time considering the train left late.  I get to work and it was just one of those boring days and due to the new mtg notes I try to limit my time on the internet at work now b/c unfortunately there are people who have absolutely positively no life and have to watch what others do on line I must be a rare breed b/c I couldn't care less who does what as long I'm doing what I need to do, I'm a firm believer all good things come to an end so if someone is getting away with something it's only a matter of time before they're caught and dealt with.  Today I worked half a day due to jr hearing test and it felt good to get on the train and be able to sit down with no crowds.  We get to the office and I see the secretary and I think the voice matches her ms congeniality attitude.  It really boggles my mind how some people get jobs going to doctor's office, clinics, hospitals etc. I've come across some really rude incompetent people and sometimes you need to put ppl in their place.  She practically hounds us for the paper work and insurance card I thought give me a freaking break she explains she had to call the insurance company as I sat there I knew this was total bs as she was bsing on the phone and her text ringtone was going off a mile a minute and I thought how freaking unprofessional. So 3:00 appointment turns into 3:17 and there was a man who had a 2:45 appt who still hadn't been seen yet b/c apparently she forgot to tell him he was there.  After he leaves we go in and for anyone who has kids it's very hard to keep them still especially a toddler.  He did some tests and asks him questions to see if he responds and he does but tells us that his ear drums in both ears aren't functioning properly and I was upset and the specialist saw this and tells me not to be upset but how could I not?  He couldn't complete the test and we have to go back so now it's back to his pediatrician to examine him and possible ENT dr.  The speech therapist came over and he did well but got distracted.  I really hope that whatever it is as far as his hearing goes can be corrected with treatment, medicine.  Today was a short mtg in reference to lay offs which is more of talking in riddles and we don't know this that etc. so much pretty much no news is good news as far as I'm concerned and I as well as many others are left in limbo and now I have to go a processing appt and to me this pointless since I did receive an at risk letter.  I couldn't believe how cold it got as the day went on, I guess tomorrow will be the same especially in the morning.  Even after filing the claim against time warner and all they tried to do the charge still posted to my account so now I have to wait until I hear from them tomorrow to let them know this and see if they fix it b/c if not the bank will take over from here.  Why does it seem like everything when it happens it always all at once.  I read my face book updates tonight and I read something someone posted saying if you're miserable don't post it suck it up get help etc. and it really pissed me off b/c while there may be things that ppl post on face bk but this person also posts some of those ridiculous things that I think are like do I really need to know or do I care? I mean seriously who cares if you got a satellite dish and don't know how to install CALL the provider and have them install it.  There should be etiquette on face book b/c some people really need a lesson in it.  I've gotten to the point that I've hidden updates b/c of the ridiculousness of some statuses and it has caused me to look at some of my postings too.  I've even though about deactivating again but decided not to just to be more cautious with my status postings, etc.  While social networking sites are fun they also bring out the stupidity in people, I don't know what it is but give someone a computer and social networking or instant messaging and they just don't know how to act.  It's been a pretty long day and I want to make sure I get enough rest and make sure my alarm is loud enough so I'm able to give myself enough time to get ready. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

stress induced weekend

Friday ended with a brief mtg being called to talk about the additional layoffs 10,000 more that our mayor that I have a few choice words for wants to do and we were told that some of us may receive "at risk" letters well I ride home with my co worker and we talked about this and other things I got off at my stop and we pick up our laundry and jr.  After this there was major traffic on the avenue I just couldn't figure out why we eventually get home and I ordered a pizza and when he brings me the mail I see a letter addressed to me from the city of NY and there it was an at risk letter now I really felt like someone punched me in the stomach b/c I was spared previous lay offs and I figured b/c my status changed to permanent it wouldn't happen to me but the city is in bad shape so no one is immune from lay offs I guess.  The letters says this is not a lay off notice but then proceeds to explain all the city regulations etc etc.  We were told if we received a second letter more likely than not we'd be laid off.  This is very stressful to live with that type of uncertainty who wants to be kept wondering?  I think about a lot of things how we will make it? How long will I be out of work? Would I be recalled if the city got in better shape or if not would I be able to find another job with decent pay or should I go back to school?  I'm told not to worry about this b/c I have no control over it and while they're right I don't but it's the suspense that kills you.  So I've decided to start cleaning out my desk and sprucing up my resume.  I'm going to start shredding and getting rid of things.  I have a ton of crap in one of my drawers that needs to be cleaned out so when and if the time comes I have nothing of importance and I can just turn in the key and go.  Before being told all of thisI had paid bills online and due to some error on time warner's page I was double charged and I tried to call customer service which was a freaking joke I was told I had to wait up to 4 wks for a refund I finally decide to go to queens ctr to their customer center to try and make some sense of this and my information was taken and I notice this person's supervisor was telling her what to say to me and I heard him saying that I couldn't get my money back I could feel my face getting hot but she took my information and later last night I was told I had to contact the bank which I promptly did and filed a claim for stop payment explained situation and funds were put back but I was told it could still be taken out and if it did bank would have to reverse it again.  What a freaking hassle this is the kind of crap that makes me want to start paying with money orders again the old fashioned way lol.! but in this day and age who the heck has the time to take the bus all the way over the to pay in person I sure don't lol.  Yesterday I gave jr his breakfast and I proceeded to clean up dishes and eventually clean the bathroom and I smell something worse than rotten eggs so bad I dry heaved.  I come to the livingroom and I see something liquid on his highchair and he had the runs and it came out on the chair.  I tried to compose myself take him out cut the diaper off and give him a bath and I sprayed bleach on chair twice.  Ah the joys of parenthood.  After time warner it was off to walmart to pick up a few things by the time I get home I was exhausted.  Today I sleep till 7 which is late for me do the usual breakfast for us and dishes, and I get the only headache and eventually my stomach I think it's just stress I go to my room to rest and TV isn't working finally it works watched syfy and fell asleep for 1 hr 30 mins just when rest was getting good he barges into room asking me to watch him b/c he wants to shower I could feel my stomach rumble again I felt like giving him a knuckle sandwich.  I eventually make the excuse of buying a metro card to get a break and some fresh air.  I come back and company arrives we eat a few things and I'm subjected to watching the superbowl which I only like to watch half time show and the commercials hooray for pepsi being the official drink. I liked Usher and the Black Eye Peas but I think the microphones weren't working right and they oversang a little but it was good.  Now another Monday starts a new work week.  I need some serious "me" time to rest and hang out with adults for a change and watch something on tv other than sponge bob nick jr, etc. lol.  Jr is using a lot more words now which shows the therapy is helping him.  Yesterday he said wheels socks and cookie of course.  It's now after 10 pm and I should be in bed but I'm going to start winding it down or I won't get up tomorrow Mondays are not my favorite day and I'm usually in major slow mode and almost always late.  Tomorrow I will bring in the letter I got and inform them I received one, we'll see where this goes.  Uncertainty isn't a good thing i'd rather have someone tell me right then and there and I'll deal with it.  Well enough of the superbowl I'm ready to crash for the night. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

daily mundane things

Lunch is coming to a close but I wish it wasn't.  I went out to get pizza today while a slice of pizza is good $3 is all I had on me so it had to work for today.  I'm happy the weather was sunny even thought it was quite cold in the morning and while I went out it always warms up in the afternoon.  I got my pizza and went to walk around in Duane Reade to browse around and see if I saw anything good but I didn't I really only buy things there when they're on sale b/c they can be expensive.  Sometimes I have so many things on my mind at once that if I don't write it down or put in my cell phone I will forget.  I received a letter from the special instruction teacher and I have to fill out a paper and mail it back.  A whole bunch of little things to do can pile up quickly especially when there's a lot of work to do in the office.  Forget about doing when I get back home b/c my time is dedicated to jr or anything else or I will just get tired and not want to do anything.  This thing with being paid for the snow day is really getting on my last nerve,  I submitted my appeal form with a signed written statement only to be told that I had to ask for advance leave in order to be paid for the day and I was like wtf  I never knew I could do that and do I really want to b/c then I'd have give back 7 hours grrr all of this forms, emailing this one that one, a whole bunch of crap so much that I literally had a headache and took a tylenol.  I wish they'd kept the paper time cards, all of this computerized crap gets annoying after a while I honestly think it's just a glorified way of them keeping tabs on us. Then as I was doing the mail, a whole bunch of incomplete provider names and address I think quest diagnostics was sick of hearing my voice and the whole schmeel I have to say when identifiying myself for the information.  This is exactly what I'm talking about when I spoke about iniative in my other posting, what is it with people that they don't take iniative or don't want to do their jobs right, I mean it's ridiculous! Do your **** job so I can do mine! or they do a half *** job and expect recognition for it.  I'm hoping as I complete the mail that I don't have to make anymore phone calls.  Last night when I arrived home after my screw up with the trains for not paying attention I was very tired  and the rice was botched b/c he didn't cook the sauce and sofrito for a little bit first I've been using tomato paste it was recommended to me by someone but since it's thicker you have to let simmer and cook and genius didn't do that so the outcome wasn't good but he's as stubborn as a mule and he was pissed off and I said well you never listen to anything I say so this is what happens.  Men are stubborn overall they won't ask for directions, etc. etc. until they find themselves in a situation where they don't have a choice.  I asked him about the FL corrections department and he said that they wouldn't give him any information unless it was certain that he was moving which I found strange and how I knew the process and that maybe it would be better if they moved back here to NY and I was like huh??? Is this the same person who told me in FL that them moving back to NY would be a real bad idea.  I was shocked but shocked turned into pissed off.  He then said we have to look at what's best for us job wise, etc. and while I agree with that point you seemed very sure that relocation is what he wanted to do and now he's singing a different tune.  I mean even I've had my doubts myself especially when it came to the job market that I was checking out Orlando since it's a bigger city with more job prospects and now he comes out of left field with this.  I know that either way we have to make a decision about what we want to do b/c I'm tired of wondering myself.  If we stay here in NY the rents are only going to get higher, the winters, etc. and I know for sure I don't want to stay another year in that apartment due to the neighbors and the fact that it's a relic from early 20th century.  Landlords here have a true pair b/c they want to rent apartments but they won't bring them into the 21 century I think the wiring in our building isn't even updated which he can get a fine for.  So many decisions and time flies by before you know it as you can see January flew by very fast February will fly be even faster and before you know May will be here.  Well it's way after lunch and I need to finish up my work so I will continue some more on another entry.